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After a circle, we go back to the starting point
Bailee 2022-04-22 07:01:32
Mable 2021-12-18 08:01:14
Very nice, warm, touched
Lia 2021-12-18 08:01:14
Fifty years apart, but when she saw her son's photo at the first glance, she knew he was gay. The blood that overcomes time is thicker than water. In fact, religion and belief are just passers-by who temporarily accompany each other on the same road. True beliefs will always break free from the shackles of religion and pursue an unsullied starry sky. Real people, real things, increase the thickness.
Sister Hildegarde: Let me tell you something. I have kept my vow of chastity my whole life. Self-denial and mortification of the flesh; that's what brings us closer to God. Those girls have nobody to blame but themselves and their own carnal incompetence!
Martin Sixsmith: You mean they had sex.
Sister Hildegarde: What's done is done. What do you expect us to do about it now?
Philomena: Nothing. There's nothing to be done or said. I found my son, that's what I came here for.
Philomena: Martin.
Martin Sixsmith: Hang on, hang on, I'll tell you what you can do. Say sorry, how about that? Apologize. Stop trying to cover things up. Get out there and clear all the weeds and crap off the graves of the mothers and the babies that died in childbirth!
Sister Hildegarde: Their suffering was atonement for their sin.
Martin Sixsmith: One of the mothers was fourteen years old!
Philomena: Martin, that's enough.
Sister Hildegarde: The Lord Jesus Christ will be my judge, not the likes of you.
Martin Sixsmith: Really? Because I think if Jesus was here now, he'd tip you out of that fucking wheelchair - and you wouldn't get up and walk.
[repeated line]
Philomena: Well I didn't see that coming, Martin, not in a million years!