Terrorist Attack on Boston - Aftermath

Kody 2022-04-19 09:02:10

The film released in November last year was completely unimpressive. Against the backdrop of the mainland box office rolling in hundreds of millions, the box office of less than 30 million is still very bleak. I was deeply moved by the role of the policeman played by Mark Wahlberg. In the face of disasters, criminals, victims, and various situations, he exercised with composure, passion, pathos, and perseverance. on its own mission. "When evil comes, only love can resist. I am convinced that only love can be invincible." The way the film is shot is very ordinary, as ordinary and natural as everything that happens on the road every day. The film is also very real, so real that when the evil comes, you will clench your fists, your palms will sweat slightly, and you will worry about the safety of the protagonist or anyone. This is not a Hollywood blockbuster, but a documentary, a feature film, and a good film that can walk like my heart!

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Patriots Day quotes

  • Tommy Saunders: You know, takes a lotta balls to escape like you did. You're a very brave guy, you hear me?

  • [David Ortiz is speaking to the crowd at Fenway Park after the second bomber is caught]

    David Ortiz: This is our fucking city! And nobody is going to dictate our freedom. Stay strong!