Living on the edge

Madisyn 2022-10-30 05:17:02

If you have never lived on the edge, then you have never lived.

The film is about a kind of person who has clear questions about the state and purpose of life. The place they look at is philosophical, questionable, and after constant reflection. Their expression is literary, tortuous, jumping, and crazy.

If we have never died, how do we know the joy of life.

Treat the fears, economics, morals, and property that bind us as nothing, and use the limits of life to test their boundaries. Then we can say to ourselves that we have reached the boundary of life. Looking out from the boundary, we said to ourselves that freedom can come here, and beyond here is something that the living self cannot perceive. With awe, we have completed the sincere pursuit of our beliefs.

A friend once had her wrist cut, and she did not disappear because of it. She said that she wanted to experience how pain it felt. I couldn't understand her at the time. I only thought of her from time to time every year afterwards. Gambling, as a kind of deliberate degeneration of a self-knowing person, completes the questioning of the gambler as an individual about the fate of fate. If our life can be free or restrained only by relying on an unconscious guess, then our life is too shallow and not worth living at all. When any gambler realizes this absurd randomness, he is full of revenge after being deceived for life itself-I once praised you with poetry, but what you mean to me is just a bet between red and black. Note. Why should I live in such a graceful manner to make you, and then deceive more people.

Absurdity is the magic potion for the continuation of absurdity, and gentleness is the catalyst for gentle destruction.

If there is anything that can retain a stubborn heart, it may just be a pity for the surviving beauty that is about to break. In order to save his female students, the gambler professor did what he was most unwilling and disdain to do, instructing another student to play match-fixing. The professor's despair in his own life has not been brought into his responsibility for young and young students. If you live, you have to live truly. This is what he hopes his students can promise. There is no life obligation here, a teacher's obligation to students, no, not at all. The concept that the gambler professor spreads is for everyone, and the expectations for everyone are the same. What a self-evident belief, it is not because we love someone, so we warn them like this, we like to warn all unconditionally people.

Life is not killing time, but experiencing time. If in a lonely city, doing something that is not the only thing in the world, where is the value of our lives? Where is my unique experience every day, is this the life I want?

Fortunately, Professor Gambler chose pain instead of pleasure. What he chose is to put all of them on to embrace hope, rather than looking for memorable happiness. It was not drugs and sex that made him addicted, but gambling. With a hint of hope, he questioned the way of life of the entire modern society, institutionalized, rigid, and boring. He is not completely desperate, so he does not enjoy the soothing pleasure that brings relief to the brain, but the kind of high tension, desperate, and unscrupulous opposition. Life and death are only in one thought. Since it is absurd, then let my desperate bets on the positive and negative sides that I firmly believe that there is no reason at all, the red and black roulette, since black is my unreasonable insistence , Then let me stick to the last possible moment in my life.

He is not discussing the question of how he lives, he is discussing how to become two people with only one life, with only one brain. Such a short life, if we have only been a kind of person, our loss is so great. If it has always been stable and superior, then how do I understand the world. If I have been active, how to understand decay.

The protagonist does not necessarily use his own experience to create a novel, he may blur the edges of good and evil for the characters inside. If we are not all of us, how do we understand the intention of the Creator? Only after experiencing all the enthusiasm, stubbornness, responsibility, absurdity, evasion, and malaise, can we get close to the Creator. People are used to understand, not to evaluate. The growth is like autumn leaves, with the withered yellow mixed with green residues, and the maple red is accompanied by the greenness that does not want to hide. The leaf veins stretch to the end until it blends into an extremely subtle and invisible, unique mixture, mixed with eternal The unspeakable color blocks and unique textures are constantly changing drastically, and with its further withering, we appreciate life.

Free will says that you can choose whatever you want. Fate tells you that if you are not a genius then you should die. Some people will say, give me a dice and let everything become the stupidest force in front of it, all ,together.

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The Gambler quotes

  • [to his college students]

    Jim Bennett: If you take away nothing else from my class, desiring a thing cannot make you have it.

  • Roberta: What will they do to you if you don't pay?

    Jim Bennett: [nonchalantly] Break every bone in my body.

    [she immediately slaps him in the face]