Mysterious Island Day Trip

Ismael 2022-04-20 09:01:44

Historically, the setting of adventure films is either big dinosaurs or big insects, but King Kong occupies both. It is pure fantasy to expect this film to build a complete alien creature world like Avatar, but fortunately, this film can't try to put itself on Avatar. Although the small gets bigger and the big gets smaller can't stand scrutiny, the $75 million investment is quite good in terms of visual effects and 3D performance, which means that the money is basically spent on the edge. In addition, the strong man and Lolita sold their breasts together, and the strange Shushu and the old grandfather were serious and funny, and it was considered a complete homework. You can take a look at the children's shoes that hurt your eggs, right when you have a day trip to the ** Paradise.

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Journey 2: The Mysterious Island quotes

  • Hank: [fighting a giant lizard with a flare] Not now, Sean. She's scared!

    Sean: No, it's cold-blooded and it's attracted to heat.

    [the lizard bites the flare]

    Hank: That's emasculating.

    Sean: Now what?

    Hank: Now there's only one thing left. The thunder cookie.

    [clenching his fist at the giant lizard and punches it]

    Hank: I think I just made it worse.

    [the lizard growls at them]

    Kailani: Hope she doesn't like Polynesian food.

    Gabato: I hope she doesn't like food with poop in its pants!

  • Hank: It takes a big man to play a little guitar.

    Alexander: And a bigger one to listen.