A fantastic adventure. An adventurer's dream.

Blaise 2022-04-19 09:02:06

If you can go to such a strange island in your life, go on a fearless adventure, be brave in love, see the beautiful big birds, and the disappearing ancient city, you will have no regrets. Exploration is the infinite passion of human beings. It makes people's heart beat faster, satisfies people's curiosity, and gives people a sense of victory in challenges and a sense of belonging to the team. The film also conveys a belief: believe in what you love. The FictionS involved in the film should make Verne fans smile knowingly, and remind me of watching Mystery Island with a flashlight in my bed as a child for 80 days. In terms of character relationship, I think Fatty is too happy, he seems to be fascinated by Hank's twitching muscles. The poisonous grandpa and the dumb grandson complement each other; the brave Hank and the fat man who always goes wrong complement each other. But there is no heart shock, after all, it's just an eye-catching fast-food movie grandpa who is a little disgusted with the male protagonist when he is on the cover of Times; Hank is very cute~~ The idea of ​​building a habitat on that island is wonderful; The scene is gorgeous and reminds me of Avatar. Also learned a little bit of knowledge: spiders weave their webs south, lizards are cold-blooded and so on. Finally, these illusory things, you believe it is there, it is there.

It has a strong scent of literrature, all-consuming passions, wonders, and witty humor. The gorgerous feast of colour takes you to the paradise you've ever dreamt You see the bling treasures, amazing creatures and wonderstruk scenes. 2012 6 5 20 :30

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Extended Reading

Journey 2: The Mysterious Island quotes

  • Hank: [fighting a giant lizard with a flare] Not now, Sean. She's scared!

    Sean: No, it's cold-blooded and it's attracted to heat.

    [the lizard bites the flare]

    Hank: That's emasculating.

    Sean: Now what?

    Hank: Now there's only one thing left. The thunder cookie.

    [clenching his fist at the giant lizard and punches it]

    Hank: I think I just made it worse.

    [the lizard growls at them]

    Kailani: Hope she doesn't like Polynesian food.

    Gabato: I hope she doesn't like food with poop in its pants!

  • Hank: It takes a big man to play a little guitar.

    Alexander: And a bigger one to listen.