The three-year-old Puyi turned his back to the ministers' three times and nine worships. The dim light shrouded him. No one cared about his joys, sorrows and joys. Noble was superficial. This child is destined to be the fate of a puppet, the last dynasty scapegoat. He couldn't keep his nanny, he didn't have the right to choose his wife, and even a pair of glasses was hard-won. His younger brother Pu Jie said, "You are not the emperor." He was so angry that in order to prove the authority of the emperor, he asked the eunuchs to drink ink. This kind of power is like butter in a pineapple bun, confident and easy to puff but not filling at all. He wanted a modern wife who could speak English, French and Quickstep, and what he got was an older gentleman. He told Johnston the escape plan, but Wanrong revealed the secret on the wedding night. After the emperor got married, he sat on the edge of the bed without saying a word, imagining the scene of the late emperors in charge of the next day. He also began to reform in the palace like a real emperor, and as soon as he started, the eunuch burned the evidence of theft with fire. He has the vigor and dignity of a young man, but he can't turn the tide and save the empire like his ancestors. The fire light illuminated the bedroom, illuminated his face, the fire was like the gate of the Forbidden City, and he did not step out. When the gunshots of the Kuomintang shattered the impregnable Forbidden City, he suffered from Stockholm Syndrome, and this place that bound his youth was his loyal home. The well-equipped army aimed its gun at the emperor holding a tennis racket. The emperor's abdication, like his ascension to the throne, was a show of the times. Johnston indulged in the glory of wearing a flower ling on the top of the second rank, enjoyed the glory and wealth of the last corner of the empire, and talked with his confidant about the greatness and richness of China. Until the flames of war broke the peace, he reluctantly left China, leaving behind a young man sitting in a car. The real Johnston in history bought a small island after returning to England and hung the flag of Manchukuo. He used practical actions to show allegiance to the Qing court. After Puyi fled to Tianjin, the film was shrouded in dim light, and he enjoyed the happiness of the world. Not long after the anti-Qing organization assassinated him, he was a Chinese and an alien. Sun Dianying excavated the Qing Mausoleum, Cixi's body was torn apart, and the pearls on the phoenix crown were given to the new wife by Chiang Kai-shek. He stayed to establish Manchukuo. When I read in the past, I felt that there was only one stain in his life, but when historical facts are injected with emotion, there is only one choice for all. Yoshiko Kawashima said viciously, "I hate China!" What a disappointment to say such a thing. Wen Xiu turned her head and said, "I hate you." Wenxiu burst into tears during the enthronement ceremony and randomly stuffed petals into her mouth. Happiness is theirs, they have nothing. She walked through the yellow tones, gray-green tones, into the sea blue tones, and finally leaned on the gray-blue tones of the imperial concubine's couch, the smoke was a sign of decline. The taste, she can temporarily forget the ideal here. Puyi's words on the stage were expressing equality and respect, and the officials under the stage dispersed one after another, leaving him and his vision behind. An Chongrong, the military envoy of Chengde in the Five Dynasties, answered this phenomenon, "The emperor prefers to have a seed? The soldiers are strong and strong." The spring in the eyes of this young man disappeared, and only the eyes were full of bleakness. He is not born with brains and wisdom, eyes and ears, as long as he breathes, he is the breath of royalty.
The film is played on two lines. Puyi writes his name underground to explain his own history. The interrogator threw the transcript in his face, and he could still talk softly about Tianjin's port and concession. When he saw the Nanjing Massacre and the Japanese Bacterial Warfare, he admitted many crimes and felt that it was a big mistake made by himself. The director said, "You only need to be responsible for what you do." Ten years later, when Pu Yi walked out of the prison, the director said, "You went out, but I'm still here." It was a prophecy. In that great exhibition of people's walks that did not break away from the category of animal nature, Pu Yi saw the officer, and he ran over to explain to the Red Guards, "He is a good man, he is a good teacher, are you mistaken!" He turned into a cautious gentleman with serious concerns, the director pressed his index finger to his mouth and shook his head at him. He couldn't understand the world anymore. The old Puyi spent a dime to walk into the Forbidden City again, sat on the dragon chair secretly, and the red scarf came out to stop it. He said, "I am the last emperor." "How to prove it?" Before the emperor ascended the throne, his father said to be patient, it would be over soon. Yes, he finally completed the task of the imperial tablet like a plaque hanging over his head, and the hundred-day bug is still alive.
The chief in this film is played by Ying Ruocheng, then the Minister of Culture, and the last emperor played by Zun Long is full of the flavor of a philosopher. The changing natural light constantly reflects the psychology of the characters. Foreigners try their best to use historical facts and reasonable associations to restore the life of the last emperor. Facing the East with a long history, they have to use weird and psychedelic colors to highlight the unpredictable times. And the bottomless depths of culture. There are so many movies and TV works on this subject, it is a mass grave full of heroes and lust, Bertolucci used his brain to conceive the most honorable prisoner. Eternal rise and fall, centuries of sorrow and laughter, those who are not timely will be killed without mercy, what kills the emperor is the fate and era that cannot be chosen, and what kills the romantic hero is the huge gap between his majestic ideal and weak power. Suddenly I remembered Li Yu's words: The world is like a dream, and it is like a dream. Zuixiang Road should be stable and frequent, and it is unbearable.
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