Motorcycle Diary - Discover Yourself

Marley 2022-04-22 07:01:31

It was only at the end that I found out that the protagonist of the film was the famous Guevara. It is easy for ordinary people to express curiosity about the growth trajectory of heroic characters. What kind of unique experience and opportunities create such a great soul? Just having talent is definitely not enough. But the movie begins with subtitles—it’s a story without heroics. Guevara's background and youth life are as ordinary as ours, but he used his deep and keen eyes to find his true self during a long journey.

It is undeniable that at the beginning of the trip, the two did not have any lofty goals, but only out of the impulse of young people to cross the border and take risks, as well as "endless love for this continent". The courage of two people to realize their dreams is admirable. After all, all they have is a worn-out motorcycle. Under such difficult conditions, the journey of 8,000 kilometers is not only a pleasure for them to enjoy the landscape. , more of an experience of the suffering of life. Watching them fall to the ground again and again, although I can't help laughing at their reckless and immature attitude, I also see the passion and courage to go forward. The tent was blown off, the flowers were entangled, and the motorcycle was scrapped. Do you want to turn around? Of course not, how many thirty years can there be in life? Nothing can stop them from moving forward, and the heavy snow in the sky is nothing but frost in their eyes. As long as you live for one day, you can't stop your already clear pursuit. Of course they are not pursuing any real interests, just "on the road for the sake of the road".

When they passed through the border between Argentina and Chile, they looked at the beautiful scenery and talked about the dream of opening a clinic here when they were tired of traveling. At this time, the camera was bright and the mood was bright, and it seemed that a brighter and more optimistic future was coming. Come. It was only when he arrived at the seriously ill old woman's house that the tone suddenly turned grey. It was the first time that Guevara came into contact with the sad and helpless side of the world during his travels, and that leisurely feeling gradually turned into a concern for the reality of the suffering of the South American people. and thinking. Especially when they faced the confused and sad eyes of the couple of miners, it was self-evident that they had a huge impact on their minds who were used to the picture of a healthy and upward life. They felt "suddenly unfamiliar with this world". . The work experience in the leprosy area of ​​Peru is undoubtedly more inspiring and thought-provoking in his life. I even think this is the director's intentional connection with Christ, because Christ also had a similar experience with lepers . Guevara's identity has since been endowed with the sacred meaning of the Redeemer. From this point of view, all the great figures who pay attention to the real suffering are the same. When he struggled to swim across that great river, he not only accomplished the feat of challenging his personal limits, but also embarked on a spiritual journey to eliminate the artificial gap.

The film ends with Granado's face as dry as a barren land and eyes as cloudy as the waters of the Amazon. Heroes are gone, their ambitions are not yet fulfilled, and young children are old, but we believe that dreams are always young. The ancient Greek philosopher said, know yourself. The ancient Chinese poets said that the road is long and long, and I will seek it up and down. The true self in us is always waiting to be discovered in the long and arduous journey of life, just like Granardo still looks at the distant sky in the end.

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The Motorcycle Diaries quotes

  • Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: [voiceover] The goal: to explore a continent we had only known in books.

  • Alberto Granado: We land on the Guajira Peninsula. The tip of a great continent. Bellies full of wine and two tropical beauties, hopefully sisters.

    Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: That's good beer, huh?