the meaning of traveling

Madisen 2022-04-21 09:02:12

In the past, I always thought that all problems in life can be divided into two categories in the final analysis. One is the problem of not having enough to eat and starving, which is the problem of survival, and the other is the problem of eating too much. This kind of problem always It is easy to attach a lot of illusory emotions, and these additional emotions can often make such overburdened problems seem profound, independent, paranoid, arrogant, and independent, full of idealism. And travel, especially long-distance travel, is undoubtedly more associated with the latter.

When I was in China, I was a complete pragmatist, and I didn't have the slightest interest in things that seemed more ethereal, such as travel, which also led me to never visit any city north of the Yangtze River until now. So after others talk about how magnificent and majestic the scenery of the motherland is, how magical craftsmanship has inspired his patriotic enthusiasm, he is often perfunctory, and at the same time, he thinks that this limited money should be invested in computers, MP3 mobile phones, etc. into what you have.

But after going abroad, I probably felt that the opportunity was not easy, so I seized all the long vacations and wandered around. I also gradually realized that a trip is really interesting from the beginning of the plan to the disgraced return. However, this matter is only for fun, temporarily escaping from my life, and then going elsewhere to recognize the world that I have not understood, and finally returning to continue living. This way of travel has little effect on one's own life trajectory, and even the effect of eye-opening is only based on those fairly flattened experiences. Therefore, when I saw the record of someone riding an iron donkey all the way from Chengdu to Lhasa on Tianya, I just admired their spirit, and I was very distressed about their current life and hoped to make myself better through travel. The idea of ​​getting sublimated is skeptical. However, after reading "Motorcycle Diary", I found that the meaning of travel is more than that.

"Motorcycle Diary" is a film based on the true story of a 23-year-old medical student and a biochemist who is about to turn 30 away from a wealthy family on a battered Norton 500 motorcycle from Argentina Set off, plan to start traveling around the entire South American continent. At first glance, this plan seemed to be nothing more than the last indulgent indulgence of youth by promising young people from the Four Yous before stepping into society. At the beginning of the journey, there were some setbacks, but basically all the blame could be attributed to the worn-out old motorcycle, and compared with the wild and charming scenery of the South American continent, the difficulties encountered were only to paint some ideal colors for the journey. The scenery of various people and other people encountered during this time is only a South American style painting for the audience at this time. The old man with tumor, the enthusiastic aunt in the vegetable market, the grumpy car mechanic couple and the beautiful and generous twin sisters are all. Give the brothers a different adjustment for their journey.

The film's soothing atmosphere finally picks up when the brothers meet a fugitive Communist couple, traveling for travel's sake, a young student's answer to the couple's question about the meaning of travel, looking pale and unconfident. From here, the mood of the young students has changed, and until they went to volunteer in the leprosy village, all kinds of questions began to surface in their minds. An Amazon river, which separates the leper village from the safe area on the other side, also separates the two classes. So, as the students celebrated their 24th birthday in the safe zone, Nagqu's brisk Bossa Nova couldn't make him forget that there were his patients on the other side of the river. So, regardless of his severe asthma, he insisted on crossing the water alone on a cold moonlit night, swimming to the poor and miserable world that he had never come into contact with before. In the end, when people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait applauded it, there was a sense of sacred ritual, and the young students did indeed lead their original life trajectory to other places through this night.

Based on an adaptation of a true story, and it is still a road movie, there are not many places for the director to play, so the shooting technique always looks simple and ordinary, but at the end of the film, the director gave many black and white long shots of the characters , they are all characters who appeared in this journey, they just stand still, and then look at the camera, without saying a word, but they are captivating. Probably this is the same as black and white pictures of people. In a black and white world, you can maximize the It reduces the influence of external scenery on the subject of the character, and highlights the expressions and features of the character's face. Those portraits, the ravines on their faces, and the deep eyes, all tell stories that contain persistence and suffering.

The film ends here, but many years later, the young man hit the road again, running around the South American continent for his ideals. At this time, he has changed his name to Che Guevara.

This is not a heroic deed, but a brief parallel of two lives. The opening part of the film reveals Che Guevara's attitude towards the trip, but this brief parallel ultimately affects the trajectory of his life. When Che Guevara's head is now printed on countless clothes, when a bunch of self-confessed rebels and independent people are wearing such clothes and screaming shit lyrics on stage, it's hard to imagine that anyone can really understand. cut. Although Che Guevara's perfect sympathetic personality makes such an experience almost impossible to replicate, when we are on a journey, I think we can still pull away, look back at our own lives, and remind ourselves that the past The difference between the present and the desired future, it is good to continue to be more or less ideal.

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Extended Reading

The Motorcycle Diaries quotes

  • Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: [voiceover] The goal: to explore a continent we had only known in books.

  • Alberto Granado: We land on the Guajira Peninsula. The tip of a great continent. Bellies full of wine and two tropical beauties, hopefully sisters.

    Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: That's good beer, huh?