Have you stepped out of the sixth district of your heart?

Derrick 2022-04-20 09:01:43

It's hard not to be infected by such beautiful stories and pictures, communicate, heal, persevere, cherish... This is a growing experience that gradually overcomes the self, it will not make you cry heartily, it will only make you silently wipe your tears .
A good movie has a magic power that makes people re-examine themselves in the image. The obsessive-compulsive disorder of the stickman, the loss on the confinement island... Have you walked out of the sixth district of your heart? Those unforgettable things that echo in the memory, so loud, so close, once happened for no reason, suddenly, leaving only a key without a lock, it may just be a meaningless language, maybe it is just a pale s story. But in order to bury its truth, you and I worked hard and planned carefully, and didn't want to let it go, just like the grandfather in the movie who doesn't speak, the black who doesn't look back, and the Oscar who doesn't believe in strangers. However, the truth is always regrettable than imagined, just as the past is always less than satisfactory, but it will always pass. The darkness that has never come out, the courage that has never been opened, instead of burying it in the bottom of my heart, why not say it out loud and go on boldly.

This reminds me of a plot in the hit drama "Juvenile Zhang Sanfeng" when I was a teenager almost ten years ago. ]. So Zhang Weijian spent the next three days recalling the happy and sad things in his memory. He remembered the happy time with Li Bingbing and the pain of losing her. At first, he couldn't extricate himself. He wanted to cry again and again, until the last tear oozes out of the corner of his eyes, and he conquered himself. I only watched the entire episode of that show, but this method has been affecting me since then. Like finding a key, I believe in this "truth" no matter what intractable psychological entanglements, painful emotions or even habits I encounter. As long as I repeat it, I will eventually become numb and become comfortable. I have also confirmed this in many experiments. Think about when you repeatedly open the scars of the past and let those unbearable memories wash your mind repeatedly, one day you will easily say it from your mouth, or even ridicule. However, after watching this movie, I suddenly realized that facing the past with ease has an outlet to find new sustenance. Countless people shared their stories with Oscar, and he finally bravely shared his difficult tears, only to find out that his mother had been trying to think in his way, silently searching for his walking trajectory, picking up his walks The footprints, he was relieved immediately, no matter how loud the sound was gone, the distance between heart and heart was so close.

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Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close quotes

  • Oskar Schell: I'm sure people tell you this constantly, but if you look under "incredibly beautiful" in the dictionary, there's a picture of you.

  • Abby Black: You must think this is very odd.

    Oskar Schell: Oh, I think a lot of things are odd. People tell me I'm very odd all the time.