Loyal to love or true to yourself

Elyse 2022-04-23 07:02:21

Let's talk about the full episode first: The heroine Anna is an interior designer and her boyfriend Jerry is a cardiologist. They have been in love with each other for four years. One day, Anna went shopping with her best friend. The best friend told her that she saw Jerry going to the jewelry store to buy something. They guessed to each other that Jerry should have bought a ring to propose. As a result, on a date, when Anna opened the small gift box given by her boyfriend, it contained earrings instead, she was disappointed. Next, her boyfriend went to Dublin to attend a meeting. While Anna was drinking with her father, her father told her that there is a custom in Ireland that on February 29, a leap year, the woman can succeed as long as she proposes to the man. Anna took her father's advice and set off for Dublin to propose to her boyfriend. The journey to Dublin was full of twists and turns. First, the flight was suspended due to the weather, so Anna had no choice but to go by boat. During the boating process, because of the storm, we could only disembark at a small port halfway through. I met Declan, an innkeeper, during a stay in a small town. Anna asks Declan to take her to Dublin. In the process of the two people going to Dublin, there were various twists and turns, and because of the twists and turns, the two people had the opportunity to know each other, talk to each other, and confess to each other. The night before arriving in Dublin, Anna told Declan that she was in love with him. The next day, Declan successfully sent Anna to her destination, where Anna also waited for her dream boyfriend to propose marriage. At the celebration of moving into the new house, Anna overheard that her boyfriend proposed to her so that the application for the move-in would be passed smoothly. After the house fire alarm goes off, Anna chooses to leave for Declan, where she ends up with Declan.

In the film, Anna is a romantic, idealistic person who dares to pursue what she wants. When her best friend guessed that her boyfriend was about to propose to her, she looked forward to all kinds of beauty in the proposal, and even rehearsed with her best friend what kind of expression she should have when proposing in advance. But when Anna received earrings instead of rings, the gap in her heart can be imagined. But this did not affect Anna's love for her boyfriend. After listening to the custom of her father's leap year marriage proposal, she showed great interest in it and went to Northern Ireland without saying a word. In the small town, despite all the troubles she encountered, she still remembered the purpose of her trip and tried every means to get to Dublin. At the celebration of moving in the new house, when she learned that her boyfriend proposed to her in order to improve the success rate of the house move-in application, it turned out that the marriage proposal full of ceremonial sense was just an "attachment" for the smooth move-in house. A beautiful moment shattered. She could take it and put it down. After pressing the fire alarm, she said that within 60 seconds, when she was thinking about what to take, she found that she had all the things she wanted, but none of the things she wanted. of. So she resolutely broke up with her boyfriend, went to Declan again, and bravely confessed to him. The actor Declan in the film is a bohemian, a little ruffian, and a person who has been hurt for love. Declan experienced emotional trauma in his early years, when he ran a small hotel with another man and woman. He fell in love with the girl, and gave his mother's ring to the other party, but the result was not as he wished, which made him have a lot of complaints about the marriage. When he learned that Anna was planning to propose to her boyfriend on February 29, a leap year, he thought it was the dumbest thing in the world, for desperate women to keep men who didn't want to marry. At the wedding in the auditorium, she learns that Declan has been married once, and Anna changes some opinions about Declan. Declan fights with three other men for Anna to get her luggage, and dances with Anna at the wedding party in the auditorium. Under the influence of alcohol, Anna tells Declan that she has a crush on him. In Anna's eyes, Declan is a poor and lovely lion with sharp claws but a huge disguise. He screamed and roared, but his heart was in pain. Anna understood Declan at this moment. The biggest reason why he sneered at marriage and even love was that he was hurt for love. At the end of the film, Anna and Declan end up together, which seems to be a happy ending for a lover who ends up getting married.In three years, this ending is both beautiful and cruel. It's good because Anna "seems" to have found what she really wanted. Cruel because ex Jerry "seems" to have done nothing wrong. The fuse of Anna's breakup with Jerry was that Anna learned that the purpose of Jerry's proposal was not purely because she really wanted to get married, and she could not accept the purpose of her ex's proposal. Anna and Jerry have been together for four years. In the past four years, Jerry did not fully understand what kind of person Anna is. Whether it was giving earrings in the front or the marriage proposal in the back, it all ended in Anna's disappointment. Jerry has done what a man should do, whether it is preparing a small surprise before a date or a marriage proposal full of ritual, these three years are considered impeccable. But Anna is a romantic and idealist. In her eyes, a marriage proposal is sacred and should not have any flaws. The boyfriend naturally stated the purpose of the proposal, but here for three years, he thinks that the boyfriend is a very real person. people. If your girlfriend is a romantic, and in order to be able to move into the new house smoothly, you should take care of your girlfriend’s feelings and say that I just love you before proposing to you. Is it not love to propose to move into the new house? Maybe Anna may be tired, enough. Her yearning for romance has not been satisfied for many years, and finally broke out at this moment. Does Anna know enough about Jerry? The answer is not necessarily. There is a small detail in the film, when Declan first drives Anna to Dublin, Anna introduces Declan that her boyfriend is a cardiologist. The second time when Declan asked Anna again what kind of person Anna's boyfriend was, when Anna was rushing to get a ride to Dublin, Anna just replied that he was a cardiologist. It's possible that Anna was too lazy to talk to Declan, so she answered perfunctorily. But in addition, can we understand that, in fact, Anna doesn't fully understand Jerry, so when Declan asked how Jerry was, she could only answer Jerry's occupation. Because Anna didn't know Jerry all the time, she had always been "delusional" about Jerry, and always hoped that the other party could satisfy her sense of ritual. In the past three years, everyone in a relationship has a way of expressing their feelings. We can't ask each other to live according to our own habits and methods. It is good to be able to do it. If we can't do it, we should give each other a hand with both hands. Embrace. After all, feelings are the most important, and methods are just means.Is Declan really more suitable for Anna than Jerry? At the end of the movie, the two of them are together. Compared with Jerry's "conformity" in love, Declan did have a little bit of careful thought to make Anna fascinated. First, he fought with others over Anna's suitcase, and then took Anna to see the castle to tell stories, and in others. At the wedding, she danced with Anna again, and in the process allowed Anna to understand herself better. These feelings were never experienced by Anna and Jerry before. You can say that in Anna's view, this is what you want. Anna endured four years without compromising, and once again bravely pursued what she likes. Anna is not wrong at all. But can we understand from another angle that Anna is actually not firm about her relationship with Jerry, so when Declan suddenly broke into her life, layers of waves have been stirred up in her heart. The heartbeat of an adult is a contest of restraint and desire. We can't guarantee that in real life we ​​won't meet people who are better and more suitable for us, but loyalty is sometimes a choice.

Let me say a few more words at the end, I watched this movie for three years because of a friend's recommendation. The movie is really romantic, especially when it proposes on February 29, a leap year, which means that the wedding anniversary can only be celebrated once every four years. Next year is 2020, set a small goal for yourself, on February 29, 2020, find someone to propose!

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Leap Year quotes

  • Anna: Do you wanna talk about it?

    Declan: Listen, Bob. You're not in America now, you're in Ireland. So have a drink and shut up.

  • Declan: Dublin, huh? Let me tell you something about Dublin. Dublin is a city of chances and cheats and back stabbing snakes. It is a city where the worst of humanity collects the poison of their country. I wouldn't advise you to go there.

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