Legal lady

Julie 2022-01-04 08:01:04

What do you do when the whole thing almost no longer involves your own interests? In the eyes of Xiao Jiaren, since she discovered this matter, she must solve it, whether it is related to herself or not, perhaps this is a sense of social responsibility. Don’t choose what is most beneficial to her, but only choose what she thinks is the most correct. .
People are always frustrated and discouraged. Even if you are a confident and sunny little girl
who once participated in politics and wanted to do something for people, the reality tells you that you have to succumb to the system or the unspoken rules of interest division. manage? Many people chose to give in, so many of them became little girls who left in tears, and many became a node of interest groups, and failed to become themselves after all.

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Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde quotes

  • Elle: Hi everyone!

    Timothy McGinn: Look, it's Capitol Barbie.

    Reena: She's so shiny.

  • Paulette: Ooh... the bend and snap! I did that last night naked. I broke a window though.