Experts watch the fun, laymen watch the doorway

Gloria 2022-04-23 07:02:20

I haven't read the old work "Wall Street" in 1987. I am a complete layman for the financial industry. This may be the limitation of watching this "Wall Street II", but it can also be said that the barriers are removed, so that I can use it more easily. , To judge directly, return to the essence of the film, that is, to judge whether a story is exciting, whether the plot is vivid, and whether the characterization is successful. From this point of view, "Wall Street II" can completely score an excellent score of more than 80. A smooth story, an ups and downs plot, vividly portrayed characters, attractive handsome men and beauties, a group of elite uncles in suits and leather shoes, and a real extravagance (there is no domestic "high-end, fashion" category of movies. ) Majestic scenes (high-end business parties, large-scale charity parties, bustling Wall Street, busy and noisy exchanges...)

Although I am an idiot in financial concepts, I can also see the various business battles in "Wall Street II", the characters' The ups and downs, success and failure are too simple and childish, just to make the story look good, and condense the extremely complicated business battle in reality into a two-hour drama, but this drama also takes care of the public's understanding. It also outlines the countless intrigues and intrigues between people in Wall Street, a business empire where "money never sleeps". As far as "pretentiousness" is concerned, I have to admit that American commercial war films are much better than mainland China's, even if they are actually superficial, but at least people are fooling them like that. Fake is a mess. Just like a good screenwriter (writer), even if he has no professional background and professional knowledge, but he has been immersed in the capitalist environment for a long time, coupled with superb writing skills and a deep understanding of human nature, he can also create excellent writing skills. The works are admired by non-professionals, and although professionals sneer at the professional part, they can also empathize with the portrayal of human nature reflected in it.

If the theme of fashion movies is anti-fashion after all, then financial works will not promote the supremacy of money. What really highlights in "Wall Street II" is that the heroine is deeply affected by the disaster caused by money, and the family is unfortunate. Therefore, he takes a completely disregarding attitude towards money, and knows that money cannot buy happiness. And the American mainstream morality that love is placed above career. At the end of the film, the heroine's father, Gordon, played by Douglas, found out that he chose his daughter instead of a career, which is a return to the mainstream Hollywood values. However, on Wall Street, the wine and meat are still stinky, the road is frozen to death, and the money is still washing away. And sacrificed countless little people who threw themselves into it. Although the family in the movie had a good death, in the real financial crisis, some families were happy and some were sad, some were in distress and some jumped off the building. There are still countless young people with dreams or capitalists who are always pursuing more residual value chasing the money dream of Wall Street one after another. Greed is human nature, and reality is the biggest stepmother.

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Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps quotes

  • Bretton James: Consider the motorcycle part of your severance pay.

    Jacob Moore: Fuck you!

  • Bud Fox: So, does Blue Horseshoe still love Anacott Steel?