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A Brief Comment on Broken Flower
Oma 2022-04-23 07:02:16
Winston: Is something wrong?
Don Johnston: It's probably nothing.
Winston: A love letter, from one of your lovely ladies?
Don Johnston: Something like that. I'll read it to you. "Dear Don. Sometimes life brings some strange surprises. Its been almost 20 years since we've seen each other, but, now there's something I need to tell you. Years ago, after our story ended, I discovered I was pregnant. I decided to go through with the pregnancy and I had a baby. A son, your son. I decided to raise him by myself because our time together had come to a close. My son is now almost 19. He's somewhat shy and secretive, unlike you. But, a sensitive wonderful person. A few days ago he left on a mysterious road trip. But, I'm almost certain he's searching for his father. I've told him almost nothing about you. But, he's resourceful and imaginative. Anyway, if this is, in fact, your correct address, well, I just felt I should let you know." There was no signature and no return address.
Winston: Hey, congratulations! You're a father!
Girl on Bus: I can't believe my Mom won't let me wear a bikini.
Girl on Bus: I can't believe your Mom let you come on this trip!
Girl on Bus: Oh, she doesn't know. Well, I mean, she knows, but, she thinks that I'm with your family. He-he-he. No, she wouldn't have let me come and you would have been totally mad at me.
Girl on Bus: What if she calls my Mom?
Girl on Bus: She's not going to call her. She thinks she's here. See, its perfect!
Girl on Bus: Wait-wait-wait. What?
Girl on Bus: Don't even worry about it. Don't even worry about it.
Girl on Bus: Wait, do I need to call my Mom? 'Cause my Mom will totally lie for you.
Girl on Bus: No. I really want to go to the party tonight. I really want to meet some cute guys.
Girl on Bus: That guy is SO cute that is sitting behind me. Can you see him.
Girl on Bus: Oh my gosh! He's really cute.
Girl on Bus: He looks like a supermodel
Girl on Bus: Oh my God! No, he looks like the Calvin Klein model, that's like on the side of the bus.
Girl on Bus: Oh my gosh, he looks so cool. Ally will take us to get something to eat before we go. I'm starving.
Girl on Bus: Oh she better.
Girl on Bus: I'm starving.
Girl on Bus: That's why you need the mix-and-match when you we get fat you got a good dinner. We're such heffers.
Girl on Bus: Are you serious? Its disgusting. We're so fat.
Girl on Bus: Donut girl!