
Lillian 2022-04-19 09:02:00

One day, he suddenly received a letter from a claimant to be his former lover, in which she claimed to have raised their children alone. Human memory is very strange. Some things are automatically hidden in the mind after too long. Only when you step on the soil where the story happened, the familiar picture will suddenly collapse. The earth stores our memories, and since we left her, she has been waiting for our return, moistening our dying hearts with memories. flower? We are the flower, we meet people, know each other, fall in love, and bloom one by one. Once upon a time, life was so splendid, the old just faded away, and the new one has bloomed again. Every flower has a story, and a story is sad. Five visits make up this journey from home to the past. Whether in the air or on the ground, Bill Murray's always-unpleasant face hardly disappears from the camera, and we can even see it in the rearview mirror. I saw the eyes full of loneliness hiding behind the sunglasses. Many people complained why God didn't give them more chances to give them more hope, but Don Johnston's question was: "Why did God give me so many opportunities to screw up, give gave me so much despair." He's a master of relationships, but an idiot at maintaining them. The more times he's been in love, the more likely he's going to screw up a relationship. This kind of self-witness was the most painful blow to him, and there is nothing more desperate than watching himself wither and wither. As a result, Tang's visit has become more and more unreliable. From the sweet hotbed to the sad tomb, we have witnessed the warmth and indifference of Tang's journey, the old love is difficult and resolute, the first cry of love and the death of love . Bill Murray performed the tragic and solemnity of Don, a playboy who should have been hated, when he was knocked to the ground in a desperate situation, when he was sitting in front of Michelle's tombstone with great regret and melancholy, we This outline can be roughly drawn: a romantic man with a little richer feelings just happened to meet the continuous spring breeze, so he went further and further on the road of flowering...

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Broken Flowers quotes

  • Don Johnston: Wanna get a drink?

    Carmen: No, I don't drink.

    Don Johnston: Later, get something to eat?

    Carmen: I don't... eat.

  • Rita: Daddy, you're not supposed to be smoking.

    Winston: Oh, no, no. This is just some assorted herbs, some cheeba.

    Don Johnston: Let me see that

    [takes a drag of cigarette]

    Don Johnston: Yep, it's just cannabis sativa.