fate in disaster

Jamaal 2022-09-13 21:16:52

I watched the movie "Poseidon" today, and I felt a lot. I think what touched me the most was their fate. This fate does not mean how lucky they are, but that they bravely fought with their own lives.
The captain, who was in the cabin at the beginning, waited for the arrival of fate with the method he thought was feasible. But in the end? Because the pressure on the sea floor broke the glass, causing the entire cabin to be submerged, which is called waiting for fate. The so-called lifesaving? There are often many things in reality like this. For example, you don't rely on your own efforts to take risks, but you wait there for luck to happen. So sure, the result is often a failure.
Those who rescued themselves in "Poseidon" are also willing to believe in people who didn't know each other before and fight for their own destiny. I believe that if it is us, that is, everyone in real life, we will definitely not hand over our destiny to others, because we do not know and are not familiar with it. Maybe sometimes we believe in others, then we are a little farther away from danger and a little closer to success.
Don't give up, this is what the movie "Poseidon" revealed to us from beginning to end. Maybe some people want to ask them they have thought about giving up a lot of time, where does it come from not giving up. First of all, they don't believe that fate is like this, and try to find a way out, which is not giving up. Then in the hall, where the drunkard died, the road was broken, so they still didn't give up. Going forward, the male protagonist's son-in-law's legs were suppressed, and the male protagonist's daughter did not give up. There are many, many more, save the children. But there have also been places to give up, such as the waiter. In the end, the good intentions were exchanged for piercing the intestines. I am saddened by what happened to this waiter.
But in other words, which one is more important than the life of two people? If you want to die together or give up one, giving up the waiter is also a last resort. If you have to give up, you can get it. In the end, didn't the old man survive? Sometimes you really need to give up in order to gain something, and you can only gain if you have to give up. Isn't that the truth? If you are not willing to give up at all, where will the harvest come from? You have to give up a little to get more, right?
The last thing I want to say is family love, and the thick family love permeates the whole film. From going to his own death because his daughter was proposed to constantly protecting the youngest child. Aren't these all symbols of affection? In the face of these disasters, parents will always use their bodies to first resist those dangers for their children.
All in all, the movie "Poseidon", this disaster has left us a lot to think about. Our destiny should be in our own hands.

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Poseidon quotes

  • Dylan Johns: [after the ship is capsized, to Robert when he asks to go to the ballroom] You suddenly have the urge to go dancing?

  • Dylan Johns: Does your husband...

    Maggie James: oh, does that work much?

    Dylan Johns: What?

    Maggie James: The tentative mention of a husband I'm supposed to correct, even though you clocked my wedding finger twice already.