1626 Magazine exclusively disclosed the Poseidon~

Rachelle 2022-10-26 08:05:22

A senior filmmaker

once told me that the subject matter of the movie is basically a cycle of ten years, and the audiences of the blockbuster themes are no longer easily fooled. It's time to fry cold rice and earn new money. No, "Titanic" has not debuted for ten years, and we have to face its disaster upgrade version of "Poseidon", which is a remake of the classic shipwreck film of the same name in 1972, plus a source from "Perfect Storm" 》But the more perfect special effect is a bowl of cold rice that has been returned to the pot several times.

Perfect storm + Titanic

super-luxury cruise ship, shipwreck while singing and dancing, passengers and fate fighting... This is very similar to Titanic, but "Poseidon" has deleted the love foreplay of the children who made tears, After the opening 10 minutes, it enters the heroic shipwreck scene. The majestic disaster effect and the adventure of escaping are its themes, which also continues the consistent style of director Wolfgang Petersen - whether it is "Air Force One" No." or "The Perfect Storm" are both fast and straightforward to the subject in this way, without the lingering of children's love, but more about the description of the emotions between people and the discussion of the meaning of life.

The remake of the classic

1972 "Poseidon" is a classic disaster film. It could compete with "The Godfather" in both box office and word of mouth. It was also the most famous shipwreck film before the appearance of "Titanic". It has won 8 awards. Oscar nomination. The new version of the story also revolves around the survivors of the Poseidon: On the night of the New Year, the 20-story, 13-deck, 800-room giant ship Poseidon traverses the icy North Atlantic Ocean, while thousands of people on board. When preparing to celebrate the New Year, a huge wave broke out on the other end of the North Atlantic Ocean. The 100-meter wave caused by the tsunami was surging, and the Poseidon was overturned. Thousands of passengers on board were buried on the seabed. Obstructed to climb to the surface, escape successfully.

director of ocean complex

German director Wolfgang Petersen has always had a marine complex. His 1981 masterpiece "Submarine Storm" and "Perfect Storm", which brought him to the peak of his career, are both marine films, and they are naturally familiar. The shipwreck movie veteran made a huge model of the Poseidon, and completed the scene of the Poseidon being overturned by a 100-meter wave in the giant pool where he filmed "The Perfect Storm". The various thrilling scenes in the film are all performed by the actors themselves, and the starring Josh Lucas has been injured several times for this. Coupled with the behind-the-scenes special effects team of "Perfect Storm" and an investment of 150 million US dollars, it should not be difficult to surpass "Perfect Storm".

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Poseidon quotes

  • Dylan Johns: [after the ship is capsized, to Robert when he asks to go to the ballroom] You suddenly have the urge to go dancing?

  • Dylan Johns: Does your husband...

    Maggie James: oh, does that work much?

    Dylan Johns: What?

    Maggie James: The tentative mention of a husband I'm supposed to correct, even though you clocked my wedding finger twice already.