"Poseidon": empty appearance lacks personality

Brice 2022-10-26 03:07:03

Another catastrophe at sea, a luxury oil tanker with a thousand people turned upside down, how many people can survive? Facts have once again proved that in the face of great difficulties, you really can't listen to the leaders and must find a way to survive.

Today, with the proliferation of CG technology, it is not difficult to shoot a shocking disaster film. If you watch too many such scenes, you will be numb, and it will become more and more difficult to be unconventional. Almost all the disasters people imagined have been taken out and used, so remaking the previous classics is also a way out. It's just that the old works from more than 30 years ago are too classic, and the visual effects are not a skill. The shaping of human nature and the innovation of the plot are the key points.

According to Peterson's past standards, this film is not good enough. The effect of the catastrophe at sea is shocking but not novel, and the previous films have been used. The characters created in this film are a bit too thin. The only person who can be called a flawed character died after the first difficulty. After that, these people showed great love, helping each other and sharing life and death. To say that all kinds of characters are mixed, everyone has selfishness, but in the face of such dangerous levels, no one shows even the slightest bit of selfishness, some are too idealistic, too positive and too harmonious; in other words, human nature It is too monolithic.

From the film, I have to feel that Lao Mei has the ability to escape. In the face of a catastrophe, despite the panic, she can still think calmly and find a way out. Obviously, she has considerable basic knowledge. Whether it is judging escape routes, using tools, or playing instinct, they should have received systematic education. For example, I have to transfer underwater many times, and I have to hold my breath for a long time if I can swim. I have tested every scene, and I have never been able to hold it to the shore, not to mention that the movement is not static underwater. To be honest, the Chinese are relatively weak in this regard. In recent years, they have learned some basic knowledge of escape through several major disasters, but it is still not enough. In the face of emergencies, they basically rely on instinct, and often instinct. Leading in the wrong direction.

This film was badly criticized, because it is really difficult to find your own personality, but if you don't have many opportunities to watch the film or you are not too picky, you can still watch it.

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Poseidon quotes

  • Dylan Johns: [after the ship is capsized, to Robert when he asks to go to the ballroom] You suddenly have the urge to go dancing?

  • Dylan Johns: Does your husband...

    Maggie James: oh, does that work much?

    Dylan Johns: What?

    Maggie James: The tentative mention of a husband I'm supposed to correct, even though you clocked my wedding finger twice already.