Not so wonderful capsize incident

Abigail 2022-09-30 14:37:34

Quoting the evaluation of the media - "Poseidon" has nothing to do with the victory of the human spirit, the value of sacrifice, and the virtue of innovation. What they want to achieve is only two goals: one, the extreme joy of the survivors, especially when others when they all die; and two, all the cruelty that can happen when a ship capsizes.
I have also seen the version in 1972. The characters have been changed, and the plot has been changed. It is far from the classic in 1972. When I saw the previous one, I thought it was based on a real event. The special effects of the new film are powerful and still full of loopholes.

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Poseidon quotes

  • Dylan Johns: [after the ship is capsized, to Robert when he asks to go to the ballroom] You suddenly have the urge to go dancing?

  • Dylan Johns: Does your husband...

    Maggie James: oh, does that work much?

    Dylan Johns: What?

    Maggie James: The tentative mention of a husband I'm supposed to correct, even though you clocked my wedding finger twice already.