Cruel and hopeful...

Guiseppe 2022-09-16 05:23:42

I have an appointment to watch a disaster movie that I don't really involve in this Saturday night's good movie. I have to say that the dubbing is really bad, maybe it has affected my mood to watch this movie. I watched it on Saturday night before. At the time of the movie, I thought that "Poseidon" was a domestic film, so it didn't matter whether I watched it or not and I was watching the Star Festival of Satellite TV at the same time. But this time, the Xingshang Grand Ceremony was really ugly, so I saw Poseidon while browsing the channel.

I'm quite surprised that there is Fergie in this film. I think there are some unreal things in the whole film. For example, where can you open the iron window with screws so cleverly, and for example, the film does not explain the male protagonist? How to rescue the child from the other side of the iron gate, etc... Maybe the movie is telling an untrue story, and the real story is called a documentary. Another example is that at the end, when everyone escaped from the sinking ship, it happened that there was a life raft nearby with everything in it and enough people to ride on it, and the life raft just happened to be there. There are flares, so the plane can come to rescue them... This movie is probably just trying to satisfy people's psychology of wanting to see a happy ending. In this type of film, I think the rest of the life on the deserted island of TOM HANKS is more realistic and delicate. In that film, TOM HANKS expresses the character's character very well, such as a person's loneliness and helplessness, from full of hope From total disappointment, to the pain of losing a partner, etc., I totally empathize with it.

If this film is not a disaster film, maybe I will watch the original Poseidon again, but I think a disaster film is only suitable for watching it once, and I will definitely jump in and watch it the second time, as if knowing After the detective film with the ending, watching it again is just a re-listening of English listening. But Fergie is really a highlight of this film. The two songs she sang in the film are also very good. I hope she can have her own works in the future, just like Beyonce's Dream Girl...

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Poseidon quotes

  • Dylan Johns: [after the ship is capsized, to Robert when he asks to go to the ballroom] You suddenly have the urge to go dancing?

  • Dylan Johns: Does your husband...

    Maggie James: oh, does that work much?

    Dylan Johns: What?

    Maggie James: The tentative mention of a husband I'm supposed to correct, even though you clocked my wedding finger twice already.