screenwriter psychology

Mikel 2022-11-04 15:35:07

The screenwriter's psychology

watched "Poseidon" in the middle of the night last night, and it was super nice.
Originally thought it was a disaster movie, it would focus on rendering the shipwreck process. Unexpectedly, the disaster will come soon, and the rollover of the ship is only a moment, the focus is on the next escape. Presumably if it is really better than the sinking ship, it is difficult to surpass "Titanic", so it is very smart to avoid the heavy.
When I saw them diving, I also held my breath, felt suffocated, and shivered nervously.

I went to Baidu Tieba and saw a lot of people discussing which characters should die, which ones should not die, and which ones are worth dying or not.
Because I used to dream of being a novelist, I like to make up stories, and I have a little understanding of myself, so I want to talk about the psychology of screenwriters.
Death is a very important screenwriting element, because the demise of a life has a great impact, or a huge function, it can reverse the situation for the plot, and it can earn feelings for the audience. I believe that as a screenwriter, you will be thinking about who should die. Even before the story is fully conceived, you will start to determine who will die and who will not die.
Now watching movies is not as easy as it used to be, because I have learned to change perspectives, I believe everyone The same is true. I will watch movies from the perspective of the director and the screenwriter, and often sigh "XX is the director who died alive" and "the screenwriter wants him to die, he has to die". In fact, I still like the taste of watching movies when I was a child, completely It is easier to feel that the movie is good when you are involved in the plot and immersed in the scene. I really think that stupidity is enjoyable, and it is rare to be confused. Watching my mother watch those movies and TV that I think are rotten or fake, I am so moved that I am quite envious. .

During the process of watching the movie, I was constantly helping the screenwriter to determine who should die and who should not. (I seem to be a little perverted) The
shipwreck happened, and the people on board were divided into two parts. A group of people spontaneously find a way to escape. The protagonist of the movie is that group of people, so the captain's judgment is wrong, the hall will be engulfed, and all the people in the hall will die, the role is to set off the heroism and adventure of the group spirit.

old man
——I just wanted to jump into the sea, but I stopped killing myself because I saw the waves.
For sure: The old man survives to the end, because the screenwriter always has some strange ideas, such as "the person who originally wanted to die actually survived."
Accident: The person who wanted to die actually kicked to death another person who wanted to live in order to escape.

- Seeing the danger of climbing a building with an iron plate bridge, I guess everyone is thinking "how to get past the last one", which means that at least one person must be sacrificed to pass this level. The handsome guy took the initiative to jump out of the back of the pad (of course he didn't know that the sacrifice rate of the back of the pad was 100%).
Choice: As a screenwriter, here you can choose: 1. Hold on to the old man's legs - describe human nature; 2. Take the initiative to let go and let the old man live - Acura hero. Neither is good or bad, the former is realism and the latter is romanticism. The former was chosen in the movie.

- foul language, pointing fingers at the mayor for no reason.
OK: Damn. Because of the taboo - the character problem.

- Thinking of the need for American heroism and sensationalism, at least one person must die in the end, and to do great things for everyone's life. Thinking of the father who sacrificed at the end of the "Doomsday", it seems that the father is the best candidate.
Problem: To turn off the engine, the diving limit must not be able to go back and forth all the way - can't come back alive, halfway - it is necessary to reach the control room, but how much can you swim? If you still have the strength to complete the task in the control room, you will definitely go back. In that case, the director will have to shoot a scene where the mayor tries to swim, but the result is still drowning, and the effect will not be very good. The best way to deal with it is to let the mayor die in the control room, and it's a last-ditch effort to complete the mission. My prediction was electrocution, but the footage from that movie is so unclear that I'm not sure the true cause of the mayor's death.

- according to the scriptwriter's convention, it must be immortal.
Surprise: In the end, he sacrificed his life to fry the pulp. Because the atmosphere of the movie was really tense, I once swayed my judgment that the sailors were immortal. It is a pity that the scriptwriting convention was not broken in the end. The sailors survived by luck, and they "killed two birds with one stone". Not only did they survive, but they also did heroic things.

- the girl hanging on the cross died, and the plot role of her death could not be found, and the foreshadowing of the old bearded old man in front of him was desperately trying to show his favor, which was against the screenwriter's habits. Maybe she died for the sake of surprise.

The above analysis of life and death is indeed cold-blooded, but the screenwriter is indeed the one who controls the life and death of people under the pen.

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Extended Reading

Poseidon quotes

  • Dylan Johns: [after the ship is capsized, to Robert when he asks to go to the ballroom] You suddenly have the urge to go dancing?

  • Dylan Johns: Does your husband...

    Maggie James: oh, does that work much?

    Dylan Johns: What?

    Maggie James: The tentative mention of a husband I'm supposed to correct, even though you clocked my wedding finger twice already.