Where the Wild Things Are

Alexzander 2022-04-20 09:01:43

Do you still remember, when did your childhood end, the sorrows and secret

memories of those children who can't be understood by adults, those memories are a light and slow song of sadness, tears, hurt and love's moving

, throwing tantrums and destroying , No one understands, so, then, clumsily, and slowly learn to love

those clumsy and huge bodies are actually a sensitive and delicate heart, just like the poster, huge, clumsy and even ugly The beast hides shyly behind that white tree,

where the wild things are, so, after such pain and suffocation again and again, we begin to gradually understand how to be careful not to hurt those people and things we love, and then we slowly learn to grow Great, learn to understand the troubles and sorrows of adults and the heart that loves us forever and ever

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Where the Wild Things Are quotes

  • [first lines]

    Max: Hey, Claire. Wanna see something great?

    Claire: [on the phone] Who else was there?

    Max: It's an igloo! I made it.

    Claire: Yeah, my brother.

    Max: Hey, Claire!

    Claire: I can't. We're supposed to go to my dad's that weekend.

    Max: The snowplows left some snow across the street, and I dug a hole into it.

    Claire: Go and play with your friends.

  • [last lines]

    The Bull: Hey, Max?

    Max: Yeah?

    The Bull: When you go home, will you say good things about us?

    Max: Yeah, I will.

    The Bull: Thanks, Max.

    Judith: You're the first king we haven't eaten.

    Alexander: Yeah, that's true.

    Judith: See ya.

    Alexander: Bye, Max.

    Max: Bye.

    KW: Don't go. I'll eat you up; I love you so.

    [all howl]