it's not just a fairy tale

Joey 2022-04-20 09:01:43

MAX's happiness during the snowfight, the cries of the little tiger on the table, and the curiosity in the forest told me that this is not a fairy tale, it is what I am experiencing, and it is the current situation of our children. After watching it, I found that I stayed with the child every day, trying to play a good father and become a good friend of the child, but it was so difficult to enter her heart. Children's emotions of anger and loneliness are as strong as our own.
Growing up is not just sunshine and rain, but also the baptism of wind and rain. We have come this way and become part of us, why should we ask children not to? Understand this, and grow with your child, this may be what the child needs.

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Extended Reading

Where the Wild Things Are quotes

  • [first lines]

    Max: Hey, Claire. Wanna see something great?

    Claire: [on the phone] Who else was there?

    Max: It's an igloo! I made it.

    Claire: Yeah, my brother.

    Max: Hey, Claire!

    Claire: I can't. We're supposed to go to my dad's that weekend.

    Max: The snowplows left some snow across the street, and I dug a hole into it.

    Claire: Go and play with your friends.

  • [last lines]

    The Bull: Hey, Max?

    Max: Yeah?

    The Bull: When you go home, will you say good things about us?

    Max: Yeah, I will.

    The Bull: Thanks, Max.

    Judith: You're the first king we haven't eaten.

    Alexander: Yeah, that's true.

    Judith: See ya.

    Alexander: Bye, Max.

    Max: Bye.

    KW: Don't go. I'll eat you up; I love you so.

    [all howl]