no savage love

Van 2022-04-20 09:01:43

It's a bad boy movie, but almost everyone is a bad boy. Love is not something that can be taken, it also has its own space, and the desire for love sometimes makes people want to eat it. This willful self-destructive behavior can only make oneself lost.
Love is not in a broad field, usually she is always helpless, vulnerable and helpless. Just like longing for a girl's love, you must go through hardships to create an environment suitable for love to grow.
Our savagery, our willfulness, our desires, maybe it doesn't matter, love can eat us to protect us. It's just that you also have to be grateful and communicate with love.

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Extended Reading

Where the Wild Things Are quotes

  • [first lines]

    Max: Hey, Claire. Wanna see something great?

    Claire: [on the phone] Who else was there?

    Max: It's an igloo! I made it.

    Claire: Yeah, my brother.

    Max: Hey, Claire!

    Claire: I can't. We're supposed to go to my dad's that weekend.

    Max: The snowplows left some snow across the street, and I dug a hole into it.

    Claire: Go and play with your friends.

  • [last lines]

    The Bull: Hey, Max?

    Max: Yeah?

    The Bull: When you go home, will you say good things about us?

    Max: Yeah, I will.

    The Bull: Thanks, Max.

    Judith: You're the first king we haven't eaten.

    Alexander: Yeah, that's true.

    Judith: See ya.

    Alexander: Bye, Max.

    Max: Bye.

    KW: Don't go. I'll eat you up; I love you so.

    [all howl]