Let's understand the dreams in the hearts of children

Archibald 2022-04-19 09:01:59

Some people say that this film is boring, but I read it with the word "boring".. When I
first started watching, I already felt that MAX was a lonely boy, and his feelings made me very infected
. Like him, he lives in his own heart. Because of loneliness, he always looks for him.
When I saw her sister and mother ignore him, I also cried... Because of my naughty, the sadness I found was actually he It's just hope that someone cares about him and loves him. In the world of beasts, he can find his own happiness and his own ideals. Even if they are not people, they are willing to play with him crazy. Later, he saw in them his own willfulness.. He was homesick.. Yes, he will always grow up after going through things that make him feel , understand their responsibilities. In the end, MAX went back, I don't know if the beasts will be reconciled because of MAX's departure.. But I think, yes...

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Extended Reading

Where the Wild Things Are quotes

  • [first lines]

    Max: Hey, Claire. Wanna see something great?

    Claire: [on the phone] Who else was there?

    Max: It's an igloo! I made it.

    Claire: Yeah, my brother.

    Max: Hey, Claire!

    Claire: I can't. We're supposed to go to my dad's that weekend.

    Max: The snowplows left some snow across the street, and I dug a hole into it.

    Claire: Go and play with your friends.

  • [last lines]

    The Bull: Hey, Max?

    Max: Yeah?

    The Bull: When you go home, will you say good things about us?

    Max: Yeah, I will.

    The Bull: Thanks, Max.

    Judith: You're the first king we haven't eaten.

    Alexander: Yeah, that's true.

    Judith: See ya.

    Alexander: Bye, Max.

    Max: Bye.

    KW: Don't go. I'll eat you up; I love you so.

    [all howl]