live hard

Joannie 2022-04-22 07:01:32

Bright colors build a colorful and hopeful world. At first glance, it has nothing to do with slums, but in fact it is a slum filled with all kinds of people living on the fringes of society, just like Harley is devoted to her daughter. The atmosphere created, no matter how bad life is, no matter what happens, Harley will always answer nothing with a relaxed face, she can steal, cheat, beg, sell, but try to give her daughter food and drink. , even if her daughter made a mistake, she always smiled and never saw her shout at her daughter. Although her actions always make people angry, but as a mother, I really appreciate her attitude towards children, her attitude towards life, living hard, even if I don't know if I will have a bite to eat tomorrow or if I will have a place to sleep, Do not abandon, do not give up.

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The Florida Project quotes

  • Moonee: You know why this is my favorite tree?

    Jancey: Why?

    Moonee: 'Cause it's tipped over, and it's still growing.

  • Moonee: [Moonee and Scooty, sitting on a sofa, eating ice-cream cones] Mmm.

    Bobby: [Ice cream drips on floor] Ok, I warned you: one drip and you're out.

    Moonee: Oh, come on!

    Bobby: 'Out now.

    Scooty: It's gonna melt outside.

    Bobby: It's melting' inside too.

    Moonee: But Bobby!

    Bobby: Out.

    Bobby: [Moonee and Scooty walk out] Thank you very much!

    Moonee: You're not welcome!