Just a narrative, no attitude

Deja 2022-04-22 07:01:32

The epidemic has abandoned the first half of 2020. I found some movies that I didn't have time to watch, and found this. I really like this kind of movies with calm narratives and not too much attitude. On the one hand, when people reach middle age, their originally mediocre abilities decline with age and energy, making their living environment like a boat against the current, slow stagnation and regression. While gaining vigor, he also gained more tolerance and rationality. The books and movies I read in the past few years tend to choose to describe the lives of the bottom and the poor. I didn’t know whether I wanted to find some resonance in the lives of these virtual people of the same class, or I wanted to accept and accept my own status quo. compromise.

The film's short reviews and comments were filled with all kinds of senseless attacks and accusations. Of course, the Internet is like this. Keyboard warriors can vent their emotions without risk with the move of their fingers, and morality can show off their bursting positive energy at any time, even for characters and lives in fictional movies. Don't want to miss an opportunity. There are those who attack the movie's three views as being unrighteous, and there are those who criticize poor mothers for their low quality and unworthy of raising children. I wonder what these people are like in real life, young idealists? Too self-motivated with a sense of justice? Or is the living environment too good? I always feel that as long as a person with a certain experience, a certain thinking ability and a lot of age, no matter whether he is motivated or passive, ideal or realistic, moral or rebellious, as long as he does not live in paradise all the time, he should know that this The vast majority of people in the world still live outside Paradise.

It is difficult to have a template for life, or what standard to measure. Maybe in the East, in the mainland, in the city, our survival mode is usually best to save enough money for a few lifetimes, followed by saving enough money for one's life, and then saving enough money to deal with all kinds of accidents, this movie The poor American people in this show another mode of survival, that is, as long as you earn enough money to eat and sleep today, you can spend the day happily.

For my own life, I can choose the mode I like. For the life of others, I prefer the same narrative style as this one, only need to listen and observe, no attitude is required. Moonee's fun is both in the park and outside the park. The most important thing is that her fun is a direct and simple fun. The sense of security we pursue in our life is not pure.

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Extended Reading

The Florida Project quotes

  • Moonee: You know why this is my favorite tree?

    Jancey: Why?

    Moonee: 'Cause it's tipped over, and it's still growing.

  • Moonee: [Moonee and Scooty, sitting on a sofa, eating ice-cream cones] Mmm.

    Bobby: [Ice cream drips on floor] Ok, I warned you: one drip and you're out.

    Moonee: Oh, come on!

    Bobby: 'Out now.

    Scooty: It's gonna melt outside.

    Bobby: It's melting' inside too.

    Moonee: But Bobby!

    Bobby: Out.

    Bobby: [Moonee and Scooty walk out] Thank you very much!

    Moonee: You're not welcome!