Adults fight for their lives and protect children's innocent childhood

Carrie 2022-04-19 09:02:11

"Florida Paradise"

This is a work depicting the people at the bottom of the United States. Next to Disneyland are single mothers who can't afford rent and can't find a job. Although the children in the movie live next to Disney, they have never been to Disney...

The film begins with the children acting like little devils, spitting on a neighbor's car, asking for a tip at a tourist, cutting off the electricity in an entire apartment, setting a deserted house on fire, and cheating on ice cream. Shop customers in order to get free ice cream... Because they have no money to go to school and can only play around, the first half of the film depicts them being poor, but enjoying their childhood without worries. They are so unfortunate, but I see no misfortune in them.

Fortunately, the little heroine Mo Ni has a mother Ha Lei who loves her. Ha Lei is more protective and indulgent to Mo Ni's naughty behavior, because Ha Lei wants to give Mo Ni a happy childhood, not because of the economy. problem and gave up her daughter's freedom and happiness.

When the neighbors came to ask Haley why Monnie spat on their car, Harley's first words were: Are you sure you saw them spit? Neighbors tell these kids to be serious when they're cleaning the car with tissues , they cleaned up well.

In the whole movie, I never saw Harley accuse Mo Ni or get angry with Mo Ni. Harley gave Mo Ni a lot of affirmation and appreciation. This way of parenting has cultivated Mo Ni's confidence and cheerfulness from the heart. When Harley took Mo Ni out to sell perfume, you can see that Mo Ni was not timid in the face of strangers, but confidently and calmly sold their perfume to strangers.

Harley gave Moni all her love, and although the family was impoverished, when Harley made $400 selling ticket bracelets, the first thing she did was take Moni to the mall to buy a bunch of them Jewelry that little girls love. There is a scene where Harley and Moni help the neighbor girl Jenny's birthday together, and they also see the fireworks set off by Disney, which is very heart-warming.

Moni takes Jenny to see the rainbow
Moni's Home: The Enchanted Castle

The whole movie is very colorful. Take Moni's home magic castle as an example. The walls of the entire apartment are covered with purple paint, and the sidewalks beside the road are also purple, as well as the orange juice shop and the orange juice shop that the children will pass by on the way. Ice cream parlors are very eye-catching.

Moni ran to Jenny's house and cried

At the end of the movie, the Children's Protection Association came to Moni's house to investigate Harley, and pointed out that Moni could live in other homes for a while during the investigation. Mo Ni was very angry when she heard the news. She went to Jenny's house and told her that this was the last time they met, and burst into tears. This was the first time I saw Moni's innocence in a movie. After Ni was silent for a while, she took Moni's hand and ran out. At the end of the movie, the two of them came to Disneyland and ran wildly in the park, which formed a strong contrast with the other families in the park. This ending has a strong stamina. After all, I have watched the footage of the children playing around carefree for an hour before, and at the end, when Mo Ni was about to separate from her mother Harley, Jenny took Mo Ni and escaped to Disneyland. Short-lived pleasure, nasty.

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Extended Reading

The Florida Project quotes

  • Moonee: You know why this is my favorite tree?

    Jancey: Why?

    Moonee: 'Cause it's tipped over, and it's still growing.

  • Moonee: [Moonee and Scooty, sitting on a sofa, eating ice-cream cones] Mmm.

    Bobby: [Ice cream drips on floor] Ok, I warned you: one drip and you're out.

    Moonee: Oh, come on!

    Bobby: 'Out now.

    Scooty: It's gonna melt outside.

    Bobby: It's melting' inside too.

    Moonee: But Bobby!

    Bobby: Out.

    Bobby: [Moonee and Scooty walk out] Thank you very much!

    Moonee: You're not welcome!