Alcohol is not intoxicating

Kristian 2022-04-19 09:02:03

The body grows old, and the passion follows the faith and never fades. Looking back on your past self, did you become bored too? Maybe experimenting with alcohol will bring that 0.05 luck. So after a few drinks, I captured that feeling. It's time to start, sing with ease, dance with pleasure, walk carefree, and talk freely. I don't know if this counts as numbness, maybe even less as the real me, of course you can also call it embarrassment. However, the thought of that kind of empowerment, the change in your life, is so heartwarming, it's good to be happy, isn't it? Remember, this is just a plan, a culture and art about alcohol, moderately beneficial, excessively damaging.

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Extended Reading

Another Round quotes

  • Martin: So, when you run around totally wasted, throwing up in bushes and alleys, don't feel alone, because you're in great company.

  • Martin: Josse, there's an election with three candidates, so who do you vote for? No. 1: He is partially paralyzed from polio. He has hypertension. He's anemic and suffers from an array of serious illnesses. He lies if it suits his purpose and consults astrologists on his politics. He cheats on his wife, chain-smokes, and drinks too many martinis. No. 2: He's overweight, and he's already lost three elections. He suffers from depression and has had two heart attacks. He's impossible to work with and smokes cigars non-stop. And every night when he goes to bed, he drinks incredible amounts of champagne, cognac, port, whiskey, and adds two sleeping pills before dozing off. The last one, No. 3: He's a highly decorated war hero. He treats women with respect. He loves animals, never smokes, and only has a beer on rare occasions. Josse, who do you vote for? Josse: The last one. Martin: The last one, No. 3? And the rest of you? Students: Yes, No. 3. Martin: Oh boy! You just discarded Franklin D. Roosevelt... Winston L. Churchill... and thankfully you elected this guy.

    [reveals a photo of Adolf Hitler]

    Martin: Students: Hitler? Martin: Focus! It's funny, but there's a point to this, which is important and which I hope you'll understand someday: the world is never as you expect.