If you don't click it to watch, you won't know how "fierce" the Hunter is.

Rosalia 2022-04-19 09:02:08

A certain mentally disabled woman who loved movies complained after fooling us to watch this movie: "What's so good about Brother Hammer not taking off his clothes? How fierce can he be?

Chris also performed superbly this time, after he played Thor. , Brother Hammer unexpectedly played a hunter again, and he became a hunter after being super god. This is a perfect interpretation of the role of the protagonist.

Today's films are becoming more and more neutral. The prominence of the villain is still not enough.

Obviously not a good person, indeed find a goddess to play, give her a little hardship, and you can wash her gray.

In fact, in contrast, we, the audience, are more willing to watch To a character with a clear love and dislike. Good is good, bad is bad. Otherwise, after seeing it, you will have a little pity for the bad person, and you will feel very uncomfortable. According to common

sense, a bad person, let him be bad to the end, In the end, ending him is more fun and more exciting.

But this is not the case. The

villain has a shadow in her heart, and the screenwriter portrayed her as a snow queen who was betrayed by her lover who was murdered because her daughter was betrayed by her lover who was murdered. Develop, gain the power to control ice and snow, but don't believe in love anymore.

This is a bit comparable to the female N number in old Korean dramas and domestic Chinese dramas. In today's entertainment era, such a low-level plot is really difficult to catch the audience. Appetite, simple and rude, and the descendants who dare to love and hate are in line with the audience’s taste.

Moreover, I don’t believe in love, and I don’t allow others to fall in love. "Bridge, don't ruin a marriage", the power of love conquers everything again. All those who prevent others from falling in love will not end well in TV dramas and movies.

American movies like to play a reverse in the ending, or set up a small card In the sequel, we set up a story at the end of the film to find out that the murderer of the daughter was actually someone else, and by the way, the villain was whitewashed. The screenwriter is really painstaking.

The painstaking effort is his own business. How can we, as the audience, pay attention to these things. If it doesn't look good, it's a fool. The cliché plot is vulgar and lacks new ideas, and it takes great pains to vulgar.

The plot is based on the prequel of Snow White, Frozen as the first show, The Lord of the Rings as the foreshadowing, The Hobbit as the development, and the portrait of Dorian Gray as the end. The queen's ultimate move, turning into a snowman snow column or something, I tell you that it never appeared in The Chronicles of Narnia. From the very beginning, it was already possible to predict who would be with whom, so three pairs of six people went on a treasure hunt. The hero shot by the heroine was a bloody arrow, and it shot precisely on the necklace of the hero. In the end, the sisters were torn apart, and those ambiguous lines simply forced people to scold their father.

Lin Meizi reposted the comment on Weibo and said: In fact, she would rather watch the costumes of the two queens in cross-dressing and catwalk shows, and the plot is unnecessary. The whole film is rather an advertisement for a fashion show. The evil villain I and the villain II played by Emily are absolutely domineering and gorgeous, Emily is so suffocating, and Charlize is so beautiful thing. On the other hand, Jessica, a model worker, looks like a King Kong female warrior. No wonder she missed out in those Oscar-nominated films, but the supporting role won the award. Clothing is the biggest highlight of the show, and the two queens have different costumes for each scene.

Is the trend of transforming fairy tales into dark and magical live-action movies so hot? Like my friends, I generally don't read those adaptations of Grimm's fairy tales and Andersen's fairy tales. Damn, are we out of fashion?

In the WeChat group, Onion complained about these films, saying that these films are basically a bunch of idiots dressed in idiots and playing idiots' adaptations.

Basically go dark. Basically by spoofing.

"Snow White and the Huntsman" encountered Waterloo, the heroine and the director had a scandal, and the subject matter crashed "Snow White: The Mirror of the Mirror". In the end, I don't know if it will be released in the mainland. The Cinderella series "Cinderella's Glass Phone" What the hell is "Cinderella's Dancing Miracle"? The frog prince in "The Frog Prince" is simulated as a big frog that is disgusting and eats shit; "Snow Mirror" and "Grimm" are purely dark series; "The Mermaid Sapphire" in Grimm's Fairy Tales has a mermaid and half a dime relationship with Grimm's Fairy Tales. No; isn't "Enchanted" just Snow White changing her name? On the other hand, "Sleeping Curse" has won the audience's favor by virtue of the lily love between the princess and the queen.

I suddenly remembered an article I wrote before, "Why We Like to Watch Dirty Dramas More and More", and I thought that I had replenished 1% of my blood. So I have to say that Universal is rich just because he doesn't need to look at the tastes of the audience. This kind of mess that can be connected to the previous "Snow White and the Huntsman" makes a comeback, and the indomitable spirit is enough to gain a foothold in Hollywood.

Sister Worker and Brother Hammer have supported the show's highlights. In the show, love comes and goes, undressing and sex. These are not surprising. If there is no rubbing and passion in the current movie, who will watch you? Run fashion shows all day. If you want to watch a fashion show or watch the coil windings weighing dozens of pounds in this movie, I might as well watch some modern ones. At least I can find the same style on Taobao. The circle of friends reposted the stills of "Ode to Joy". The fashions of Liu Tao, Jiang Xin, and Yang Zi showed the audience's face. I haven't seen it yet, I'll watch it when I have time. But Brother Hammer didn't even take off his pants and didn't reveal the mermaid line. That look is absolutely handsome. This time, this script was chosen, and I sweated hard for him.

It can be said that Sarah and the hunter's love conquered everything, including the audience's appetite. It can be said that the lineup of this film is quite fierce, so fierce that I don't know who to show more, and in the end nothing is done.

Finally, I wish this film a successful completion of this wave of soy sauce in China.
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The Huntsman: Winter's War quotes

  • Ravenna: Learn from loss, Freya, and your day will come.

  • Queen Freya: Love is a lie. It is a trick played by the cruel on the foolish and the weak.