Understanding of the subject

Junius 2022-08-19 07:49:31

I feel that this is a film with a little bit of depth. It slightly reflects the meaning of philosophical thinking. Look at the following clips that I understand highlighting the themes of the film.
1. For the first time in the classroom, I talked about talent, trapped and talent" trapped by your talent"
2. The protagonist talks to the blonde about the "deficiencies" of his personality: Either win all (victory) or lose all death. The bet on pig's feet is always full, and there has never been any risk control or the like. ,
3. The second time I went crazy in the classroom. I said that you came to class only to get credits. I was playing the piano to a group of people. Pig's feet published his own column "The Sixth Bullet" and let him be able to Teaching in college
4. In order to get rid of my mother, forcing my mother to spend 260,000 dollars.
5. Talking to blonde about her own personality, and when it comes to doing something really awesome, things that others can’t do (accomplish the impossible), or is not, because in addition to other things that are totally meaningless, in a nutshell is to do meaningful things
half 6. the film begins with the fat man said after a pig It’s the grandson of the rich man.
6. At the end of the film, pigs’ feet are running, and finally to blonde, the theme of the

film is gambling, but it’s not, but start a new life runs through the whole film. It is expressed through many details and dialogues. I will not list them here. , As the title here is just my understanding of the film.
The boring life of pig's feet, trapped by his own talents, and living the life that others expected him to live, in the classroom he said that he is not a writer, indeed, but pig's feet is a very talented dramatist (dramatist), but In the book he wrote, did he write what others wanted to read, or what he really wanted to say? I think it should be the latter, because after all, he won one, became famous, and did some great things. Due to the character of the pig's feet, the nature is to either not do it or do it thoroughly. However, it is hindered by reality. In addition to gambling, from writing the "sixth bullet" to publishing a book, to borrowing money from three parties to pay off debts, pig's feet Gambling is not to win at all, is to lose? Not at all, because he is not gamble to win or lose at all. From a narrative point of view, the shadow of starting a new life is everywhere (start a new life that he really want regardless the reality), from the end, the thrilling gamble, red and white is half and half, if you lose, you die, and if you win, you are the real Achievements (Is there any character defect that he said before-talent echoes, in his concept only win-victory, or die), so the final bet was forced out by him and lost It is death, and winning is a new life. Get rid of the routine and boring life before you, but a brand-new yourself and start a new life you want.

Of course, the pig’s feet are definitely not planned all at the beginning, but step by step, subconsciously, because his ideology does not care about anything (i dont care nothing), and precisely because of his personality discussed above, As a result, he doesn’t care about his surroundings and himself. He doesn’t care about anything, but the pig’s feet don’t like that state. The heroine understands him to some extent. Remember the heroine takes the male pig to see the scenery, she said "Whenever I look here, it makes me feel that I’m still alive." What about the male lead, a person who doesn’t care about anything, how to find his own sense of existence (at least he is looking for a sense of existence subconsciously), a Teaching to this group of people who don’t want to listen to literature classes, life is like a shackle, and he uses gambling, through his irrational behaviors, and pushes himself into despair step by step, even though he doesn’t care about his life. But the physical reaction will not deceive people. In the end, he won in a desperate situation and paid off the debt. In fact, the most important thing is that he truly felt that he was still alive.

In fact, he doesn’t care about anything. It should be that he doesn’t care about anything about himself. When the fat guy threatens him with blond and basketball boys and his family, he still feels obliged to do something (feel obliged to do something) These have enriched a complete image of pig’s feet, seeming contradictory, but in fact do not affect the main line, just like a person who is extremely painful and wants to cut off on his own, when he attaches a condition to his suicide, such as after he commits suicide. His wife will also be killed. There is nothing if he does not commit suicide. Then this person will generally not commit suicide.

Returning to the theme of the story, in fact, my understanding is that a university professor with a little personality problem (talent) loses through gambling. Step by step, he pushed himself into desperation, and finally won a big one and won back a new life. Simple version: the cerebellum residual professor by gambling found his sense of presence
English version: a professor in college, who is fed up with his unchangeably normal life, take gambling as a means to escape reality to a degree that his life is the bet. He lose ,he lost everything; but he win at last, so he start a entirely new life

. The most difficult part is to perform a natural performance in which a normal person with a slight personality problem is forced into an abnormal situation. These protagonists have handled them well.

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The Gambler quotes

  • [to his college students]

    Jim Bennett: If you take away nothing else from my class, desiring a thing cannot make you have it.

  • Roberta: What will they do to you if you don't pay?

    Jim Bennett: [nonchalantly] Break every bone in my body.

    [she immediately slaps him in the face]