The protagonist of "Superhero", Frank, is an extremely ordinary person. Before anything happened, there were only two moments in his life that he was proud of. One was when he got married, and the other was when he showed the police the direction of the thief's escape. . Of course, in my opinion, the first thing is quite remarkable. His wife, Salad, is a great beauty. Although she finally found out she was a picker, she still deserves pride. But since his addicted wife left with the drug dealer, everything has changed. His hallucinations made him feel that he was chosen by God, so he turned into a red lightning man and became a superhero.
This kind of storyline is easy to think of "King of Sea Bian", but the difference is that King of Sea's partner Super Killer possesses superhero abilities, while Frank's partner Li is weaker than him and is still a neurotic. This is an absurd movie, so absurd as to use a pipe clamp as a weapon against "criminals", so absurd as to beat a couple who jumped in line to the head. Those who claim to be heroes are not necessarily heroes, but criminals. Even if Batman's targets are murderous criminals, he still has to be wanted by the police.
The wish to build a beautiful world without evil may also produce greater evils, because the existence of good necessitates the existence of evil. We have to admit this. Evil itself is also a human right, and the law is used to restrict this. Kind of right. If you want to make the world a better place, then do your best to do something, but don't have the idea that you can clear away all ugliness.
Although Frank did some absurd things, he never regretted it. On the contrary, these were precious experiences, not to mention that he at least successfully rescued his wife. For this world, you don't have to have any illusions, as long as you continue to experience it. At this time, I remembered Romain Roland's words: There is only one kind of heroism in the world, and that is to still love life after seeing the truth of life.
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