Take notes for each episode

Kyleigh 2022-04-19 09:02:11

ep1: Albatross that flies and sleeps while flying at sea for half a year; sloths cross the ocean to court; giant lizards fight; juvenile lizards are born to race with predators; penguins face the big waves and the prey is contained in their mouths; crabs are invaded The ant acid solution was confused to death; ep2: The part where the bear scratches the itch is going to faint from laughter! The most realistic sense of humor! The peaks on the equator freezing at night are magic! Ice crystal snow! Mountain deer walking on steep cliffs and flamingos that parade strangely for love! A snow leopard living alone on a mountain; probably it should be able to walk in the natural environment (since it can't be like a golden eagle flying in a snowy mountain) ep3: The lemur hangs and climbs; the glass frog kicks the mosquito to protect the eggs; the long-billed hummingbird eats nectar ; the male leopard that bites the crocodile; the lizard that can spread its wings and glide with its sword in its jaw; the fungus that grows glowing in the middle of the night and the green light bug that travels thousands of miles to find a mate but only helps to spread spores; the beetle that extinguishes the yellow light and eats millipedes; uses a A beam of light builds itself a world of feathers; the red, green, and blue bird of paradise courtship with green feathers; the finless porpoise swimming in the tropical rainforest;

Ep4 Desert: One-legged and four-legged dance of shovel-nose lizards; beetles jumped upside down on the top of the dunes, but were eaten by a chameleon in one bite; immersed their chest feathers in water and brought them to small sand chickens; white long-eared bats fighting with Israeli scorpions; completely blind The golden mole that burrows into the sand to sense the tiniest termites; the white horse that kicks the air and loses the pool and the mare.

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