little angel

Lesly 2022-04-20 09:01:44

Small animals are the cutest beings in the world, especially now that I have a dog at home, I feel more and more that they are innocent and kind little angels. Although there are many mischievous times, they treat people He is always so enthusiastic and expresses his joy without reservation.

I really want to have a Paddington bear, it will encourage me from the bottom of my heart, give me courage and strength when I fall into self-doubt and not being appreciated by others. Paddington Bear believes that no matter who you are, there is a kind side, it looks at everyone through its own eyes, not ears, because of its pure and kind heart, so it can always find the shining points in others, when we feel When it comes to love and encouragement, we feel honored to exist, we feel like worthy individuals, and everything around us seems hopeful. Paddington Bear follows Aunt Lucy's teachings, treats everyone politely and gets along with others with a sincere heart, Paddington Bear's kindness creates more kindness. Because you feel love, you understand love, you give love. Learn from ??, sincerity, innocence, kindness, good at discovering the shining points of others, and make more love and encouragement wherever you go. ❤️By the way, the bear stare is really cute hahahaha~ If it's rude, I'll start the bear stare mode! (Bear staring will make the stared person feel hot and breathless) I can pick a lot of oranges for you and make a lot of marmalade for you, come to my house and play?

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Paddington quotes

  • Henry Brown: Hello?

    Mr. Curry: Good evening. This is an anonymous phone call.

    Henry Brown: Oh hello Mr. Curry.

    Henry Brown: It's not Mr. Curry! It's Mr. Burry. I have some news concerning the bear.

    Henry Brown: What? What do you mean?

    Mary Brown: Who is it Henry?

    Henry Brown: It'd Mr. Curry doing a silly voice.

    Mr. Curry: It's Burry!

    Henry Brown: He says Paddington's been kidnapped!

  • Paddington: Dear Aunt Lucy. I'm sorry I haven't written sooner but so much has been happening. I even met the explorer's daughter, but she tried to stuff me, so Mrs. Bird threw her off a roof. Millicent Clyde. The Judge didn't think that prison would do her any good. So instead he gave her community service...

    Millicent: No Please! Anything! Anything but that!

    Paddington: In the petting zoo.