Two burly men shouting for freedom. In those days, they dressed in unconventional ways, were ostracized by orthodox people everywhere, refused to let them live in hotels, restaurants were not served for them, and they were beaten in the suburbs.. There are also open-minded pioneers of the West, eccentric hippies, lawyers who are confused by justice, and innocent girls who are friends with them.
This is the United States in 1969, and the world in 1969. Easy Rider opened a road of Hard Riding .I
heard that this movie changed the landscape of American movies in the 70s, and it really lived up to its name. Especially seeing Peter Fonda driving a disproportionately big Moto on the American Western Highway, seeing Dennis Hooper to the South, Georgia? ,When the old man with a gun in the car raised a middle finger, he listened to the road rock. The indescribable joy in my heart!
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