You bear the pain I suffer

Chesley 2022-04-24 07:01:13

For such low-budget horror thrillers, such as this year's "Hold Your Breath", I've also pushed it before. It is better to escape in a secret room, and it is better to have no ghosts and create the tension of gnashing teeth.

Although this "Unknown Female Corpse" has some routines from "Conjuring the Soul", the female corpse is not seen sitting up suddenly or floating around in the whole process. What you play is your mind, and what you play is solving puzzles. "The evil spirit that suddenly appears behind you, this is the horror and thriller that the director wants.

After comparing the previous ones, let's talk about this one.

The full version of "The Unknown Corpse" is 99 minutes long, and I watched 86 minutes, a full 13 minutes less. No one knows what happened in those 13 minutes. I've been searching online to no avail. This time, I'm going to use flashbacks to take you through this low-budget horror masterpiece. I don't think this movie is in the top ten, so there will be no one.

At the end of the film, the unidentified female corpse completed its self-repair, and a tender and flawless body with no scars on the body surface was lying on the police car that was sent to the VCU (Virginia Commonwealth University). The frightening "Killing Song" was playing on the radio again, and the bells on his feet were jingling. It was said by Sheriff Burke that the body of the unidentified woman was sent to the VCU, and he learned from him that there was a man named Hua Tramon. Since the sheriff knew the origin of the female corpse, why not send it directly to the VCU, but stayed in the autopsy basement of the Austin family for one night, on the surface, just to find out the origin of the female corpse, but in essence it was the revenge of the female corpse on the father and son. Why Austin's, as the movie said we blocked her way, we were just a stop on her way. That is, the pain I suffered as mentioned in my title, you bear it, she is still suffering, perhaps this is also the director's foreshadowing for the second part.

Today was the fourth sunny day on the radio, and the sound of rain and wind that Austin and his son heard last night were all witchcraft hallucinations. Austin's girlfriend was mistakenly killed by Tommy (Austin's father), and the body of Austin's girlfriend did not appear in the police investigation footage the next day. From this, it can be judged that his girlfriend did not die, and did not come in last night. From another angle, when the entire basement was airtight last night, Austin's girlfriend couldn't come in at all, so last night's manslaughter was also an illusion. Hallucinations and auditory hallucinations appear from internal examinations. Witchcraft kills, witchcraft kills.

There are two escape exits in the basement of Austin's house, one is an elevator leading to the first floor, and the other is an old-fashioned wooden ladder like in "Hold Your Breath", leading to the door. Austin and his father are trapped in the elevator, and Austin clearly knows that the death of the female corpse is not so simple. In order to further investigate the death of the female corpse, Yu's father entered the morgue again. At this time, there was smoke everywhere, and I have to say that the magic of smoke and bells was amazing. Just the last step, head autopsy (female autopsy is divided into four steps: external evaluation; internal evaluation: heart, lungs and digestive organs; brain). Austin took the final step, removing the subcutaneous tissue and taking it under a microscope, and was surprised to find blood cells circulating. She is still alive, and from the shroud found in the stomach of the corpse, the father and son came to the answer: the corpse came from a witch in seventeenth-century New England. I went online and learned that early New England was settled by Protestants fleeing religious persecution, and that the early history of most New England areas is marked by religious intolerance and harsh laws. In early New England, the separation of church and state did not exist, and individual behavior was severely restricted. According to this theory, the female corpse was taken alive for religious ceremonies before her death.

The father wanted to use his own life to endure the pain of the female corpse, to quell the hatred of the female corpse, and to beg the female corpse to let Austin go. With the broken hands and feet of the father, the darkening of the lungs and the graying of the eyes, the female corpse is also realizing its self-healing function step by step. Father couldn't bear such pain, life was better than death, let Austin end his life. Austin was unable to escape in the end and fell downstairs to his death. Here's one point, I'm a little confused, the father's tongue was not cut off (the female corpse's tongue was cut off). I thought Austin would replace this step, but apparently no. This shows that the revenge of the female corpse has not ended.

It also happened to echo each other. At the beginning of the film, the Douglas family was destroyed, and then to the Austen father and son. This is just the beginning, and revenge will never end. For the second installment, I'm not looking forward to anything more clichéd. For the first step, it is a real biology lesson, cracking the cause of death, the truth is revealed, and death continues. It's like "Friend Request" I watched.

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The Autopsy of Jane Doe quotes

  • Tommy: [to Austin] All these mistakes... my mistakes... and you had to pay for them.

  • [first lines]

    Deputy Ballard: [over radio] Sheriff, you gotta get down here.

    Sheriff Burke: [crouching down] We got an ID on her?

    Deputy Ballard: No, sir. No relation to Paul and Carol.

    Lieutenant Wade: Who's she?

    Sheriff Burke: Well, for now, she's a Jane Doe.