Everything is lost: our destiny that we humans have nothing

Quinn 2021-12-19 08:01:07

Before watching "Indestructible", I planned to watch "American Sniper" next, because both have elements of war, but in the process of watching "Indestructible", I decided to insert "All Lost" first because The experience of drifting at sea in the film. I even want to revisit "The Fantasy Drifting of the Youth Pie".

But in fact, the drifting at sea in "All Lost" is just a background, and it discusses more about the topic of fate. More comparable are "127 Hours" and "Wilderness Survival". In a relatively claustrophobic space, a person faces the torture of fate alone, and even faces the life and death decision of where to go every minute. Although the format of the film is small, the in-depth exploration of human destiny and the progressive approach makes the whole film look full of twists and turns, which can hold the hearts of the audience and look good.

An old man, a boat, five lines, less than 20 words, constitute the core elements of a film. Such a film is very difficult to make a wonderful film, but "All Is Lost" has achieved the screw. Dojo in the shell is quite exciting. Movies composed of one person from beginning to end, such as "Locke" and "Buried Alive" are not bad, although there is only one person, the plot is complete, and the plot is tortuous, but in order to promote the development of the plot, both rely on a lot of Lines to promote the direction of the story. The difference in "All Is Lost" is that even the lines have almost disappeared, but the excitement is not compromised. If the artistic achievements of "Locke" and "Buried Alive" are not high, then the level of "All Lost" is comparable to the quasi-person movies "127 Hours" and "Survival in the Wilderness".

Needless to say, Robert Redford, the only actor in "Everything Is Lost", has the status of the arena. As a director, his debut film "Ordinary People" won the best Oscar in one fell swoop, and he also captured it by the way. Best director. As an actor, he has become a box office predator as early as the 1970s, and he was brilliant for a while, and as an actor, his latest work, in addition to "All Lost", also performed well in "American Heroes 2." As a promoter, the Sundance International Film Festival founded by Robert Redford has become a mecca for independent film directors. Quentin Tarantino, the Coen brothers and other directors are all from here Started. The director of "All Is Lost", J.C. Chandall, also started here, and got to know Robert Redford here. He also lobbied the old man to become the protagonist of his own movie. lose". By the way, the three works of J.C. Chandall since his debut are all high-level works. As long as he maintains his level, I believe he will have a moment to shine. The nomination has attracted many regrets, and it is indeed one of the legacy.

Most of the above are lace, let's talk about the connotation of "All Lost".

The first thing to note is that the only character in the film, the character starring Robert Redford, is named "our man" in the film, not a specific person's name, but a reference to "we humans." It laid the fable-like tone of the film. An old man who didn't know his wealth, his background, or why he went to sea, just like a very ordinary person, was suddenly thrown into the ocean. Everything is lost, the first thing to lose is one's own identity, and the entire society behind him. In the infinite ocean, a person is restored from a social person to a primitive individual, facing the primitive nature alone. From the beginning of the movie, he was placed on a small boat and had lost a lot of things.

Then, his small boat was knocked out of a big hole by a passing ship, the engine was broken, and the small boat tended to be scrapped and was about to face the danger of sinking. Although it could be temporarily repaired, after a few storms, it was unstoppably sunk. From the loss of society to the loss of the small boat on which it depends, "our man" did not complain too much. After a simple curse, he had to move to a rubber raft, trying to maintain basic survival, and hope to save himself. Something else to save. However, even if a big ship appeared by his side, it just passed by, as if turning a blind eye, and ultimately unable to be saved.

"Our man" went from witty making distilled water to maintain moisture, to desperately seeking rescue, and finally, in order to call for help, finally ignited a fire in despair, but accidentally ignited the rubber raft. Everything was lost, until the loss was infallible, and he had to fall into the sea, and even his life would be lost. The powerlessness of human beings in front of nature has thus been highlighted.

However, at the end of the movie, a hand was extended. "Our man" may win an award, or it may be just a dying illusion. The whole movie is about this lost process. Step by step, gradually approaching, from society to individual, from individual to dignity, from boat to raft, to nothing. In front of the vast nature, "our man" will eventually have nothing, until his life is about to be lost.

Watching the entire "All Lost" is like a documentary, which truly records the final struggle of a person's life. There are no extra words, the process is everything, it looks a bit cruel, it looks a bit unbearable, but it is very touching, and it has a feeling of death.

Although the sea is big, a small boat still looks too small in it. If we take the entire time and space into account, we human beings are on the tiny earth, and with the gradual exhaustion of resources, the fate we face will inevitably lead to death. Cherish what we are about to lose, and what we are losing, and cherish the present is the most important thing. Therefore, viewing "Everything Is Lost" as a fable, its problem consciousness is particularly profound and shocking.

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All Is Lost quotes

  • [first lines]

    Title Card: 1700 nautical miles from the Sumatra Straits.

  • Our Man: This is The Virginia Jean with an SOS call, over.