I'm really fed up with you people who haven't read the original yelling here

Vallie 2022-04-24 06:01:01

First of all, let me address your opinions on the title "Beautiful Creatures". I admit that the actors are really ugly, but this is the end of the title. Complete. No. There are relationships. Uncle Macon said in the original text that he felt "Humans are all such BEAUTIFUL CREATURES". How about BEAUTIFUL CREATURES here? ! Did you see it? ! The looks of the actors really have nothing to do with "beautiful creatures"! !
Also, how do you compare it to Twilight. As a professional fangirl, I love both of them very much, but I really can't bear how vulgar you group of muggle and mundane and pansycake, who have never seen the original and only watched the movie, call them here. They are books, a kind of art, not something you only use to look at your face! ! If you just want to see your face, go to the pageant, please don’t call it here!
Some people say don't tell him how good the book is. After watching the movie, they really don't want to watch it. I'm really hot seeing this! Why do you use movies to determine the quality of the book? ! Do you know how far the book is from the movie? ! There is no amnesia in the book, and do you know who is Olivia, John, Aunt Maria, Mitchell, Lila, Three Sisters, Leonox Gate, Xavier, or Abraham and Hunting? ! Don't know? Because you haven't read the book at all!

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Beautiful Creatures quotes

  • Amma: Casters have been fighting alongside mortals for centuries, every war, every side. Just because they're supernatural don't make them any smarter.

  • Ethan Wate: You know what I can't figure is, you go to Church every Sunday. How do you believe in all this and still believe in God?

    Amma: God created all things, didn't he? It's only men who go and decide which ones are mistakes.