"A Christmas Carol" Would you dig your own grave now if you knew you would die so miserably in the future?

Casimer 2022-11-07 11:01:19

The plot of "A Christmas Carol" is very innovative: give him a chance to predict the future, let him find the cause from the effect.
The protagonist loses his girlfriend who loves him because of his obsession with money, his partner who grew up and played together, the care of his relatives and neighbors. He only uses money and interests to measure whether a thing is meaningful. Almost everyone hates him and isolates him. he. He became more and more suspicious, and a little bit of trouble would connect him to thieves and robbers who wanted to plunder his wealth, so all doors were three-locked, all windows were tightly shut; he desperately squeezed his employees , does not miss any opportunity to increase his wealth; he scolded the beggars on the roadside, and watched everything happening around him; he was busy all day, unwilling to rest, disdain to associate with others, even Christmas he disdain Gu, because this does not create any substantial income for him, and he is poor only with money.
Until the night before Christmas, the indifferent, miserly protagonist was avenged by the wronged ghost who killed him. The ghost attracted three elves to him, and the protagonist followed each elves to see his past, present and future. In the past, he was happy and happy; now he is selfish, indifferent, and lonely; in the future, he died tragically at home, no one attended his funeral, and his property was occupied by his most hated business partner. All this terrified him, and he knew that if he remained so indifferent and selfish, his tragic future would come as expected. He completely woke up to the need to change himself.
Rather than calling it a magical journey between the protagonist and the three elves, I would rather believe that this is a psychological activity of the hero's self-reflection and self-analysis, which is like a religious baptism process. Religion is like the three elves. It teaches people to take every step down and down, so that there is not too much regret and regret in the past, and only by cherishing the present can we create a better future. This is also the meaning of Western religions that people are born with sin, and they must do good to atone for their sins and ultimately go to heaven. In this way, religion has formed a correct code of conduct in people's hearts, and people will reflect on themselves, restrain themselves, and change themselves like the protagonists in the movie. Just like a good teacher, he can directly make people "grow wise and sublime".
The whole film reminded me of a problem that has been bothering me for a long time. Although the film has no great connection with religion, the experience of associating and relocating the protagonist has helped me to understand how religion can lead a person to the right track and help me better. understanding of the role and meaning of religion.
Western technology is so advanced, why do people still believe in "religion", something that is not very "scientific"? With the passage of time and the growth of knowledge, even children will know that "God created the world" is a deceptive "lie", but how do Westerners balance the deviation between religion and science, and how do they allow themselves to accept Is the religion that I have been flattering since I was a child actually "false"?
I have also discussed this issue with others, and most of them say it is due to habit or government behavior.
Later, I slowly discovered that the charm of religion is not its truth or falsehood, but the content it preaches and the effect it has on people's hearts. Just like we like a fairy tale, what we care about is not its truth or falsehood, but what he conveys. romantic and beautiful.
Religion has planted a seed of kindness in people's hearts, and it also warns people that what kind of behavior will have what kind of result. I think the meanings of words such as "God", "Heaven", "Hell", etc. are very different in modern Western society and in medieval Western society. In the past, there was a lot of ghosts and gods, but now those words may simply symbolize Westerners'
persistent pursuit of "justice" and "goodness" and their strong rejection of "evil".
In the Middle Ages, "God bless" was a kind of idealism, but now "God bless" may be a positive psychological suggestion , for example, "Good Luck" we would say. Religions in the new era have been endowed with new spirits and new vitality. Because I am an atheist and do not believe in religion, it is inevitable that when I mention religion, I will have preconceived ideas. The theory of ghosts and gods can't think of deeper things, so I couldn't understand the reason why advanced and advanced Westerners still believe in religion.

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A Christmas Carol quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Ebenezer Scrooge: What do you want with me?

    Jacob Marley: You will be haunted by three spirits.

    Ebenezer Scrooge: I'd rather not.

  • [from trailer]

    [to the Ghost of Christmas Past]

    Ebenezer Scrooge: Haunt me no longer!