A must-see for the dead fly party

Berenice 2021-12-16 08:01:15

A dead fly courier accidentally got a life-and-death letter, so he was involved in a life-and-death contest, and finally witty defeated the bad guys and fulfilled his mission.
The plot of the whole movie is very simple, but the movie itself is filled with drag racing, drag racing, and drag racing. Of course, it's not a four-wheeled car, it's flying.
This film is so hearty for me who likes to ride. The protagonist's love for bicycles is reflected in every action and every sentence. This is also the state that all cyclists yearn for, what they want to say, and the caring heart.

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Premium Rush quotes

  • Manny: Have you seen my thighs?

  • Wilee: Suck it, douchebag!