Interstellar Sherlock Holmes

Brandy 2022-05-23 23:54:12

Briefly, I will add it later when I have time.

This double fandom of ST and SH fandom, created by the author of 7% solution, can undoubtedly please sherlockian and trekkie. Although I can only be called the ordinary aficionado of sh, the st series is just new to contact and has been repeatedly poked. Was so hooked. The film changed from a sci-fi background peace talks to an SH-style whodunit, and was assassinated in order to destroy the peace talks. Seeing that the peace talks were not prevented, it was a famous SH imitation, perhaps The Boulevard Assassin. The three protagonists, Kirk, Spock, and McCoy each Everyone has the element of SH (the doctor's "fascinating" reminds me of SH and Peter Cushing's SH... and his doctor), McCoy, Chekhov and Sulu are all a bit Watson (McCoy's humor, Chekhov's doubts, Sulu's assist And then parted ways). After being framed, the court trial is also a copy of SH. The duel between Chang and Kirk is like that Fu Manchu vs. SH. The Transformed Girl in the Exile has traces of Irene Adler, and the greeting in the elevator is like the space version of "Good-night, Mr. Sherlock Holmes.", the plot after that is like a book SH imitated, forget the name, just remember to include the drama like "True and False Monkey King". Kirk and McCoy went underground to Kirk and the alien giants fighting obviously imitating Holmes and Watson entering the tavern in The Voice of Terror. Spock forensic analysis of the future version of SH is full of flavor. Kirk trapping the murderer is similar to The Dying Detective. The assassination is like The Woman in Green (also EMPT, but the treatment in the movie is more like a fan of the same person). The final series curtain call is epic, complete, warm, calm, and contains Anticipation, corresponding to the final compliment-Sherlock Holmes's closing remarks (His Last Bow, typed in Chinese to emphasize the correct translation, and to distinguish it from junk dramas). Not to mention various quotes from The Canon, such as eliminate in SIGN ,
Cast has also crossed countless ACDs: "Stapleton" William Shatner, "Holmes" Christopher Plummer (Is it the same as another Christopher, played both SH and Fu Manchu?), "Professor Summerlee" (TLW)& "Mycroft" David Warner...It's
much better than the recent DW special article that pays tribute to SH's twitching and tickling elementary school students. Americans really understand SH, and it's awesome.

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Extended Reading

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country quotes

  • Captain James T. Kirk: [after Kronos One is fired on] Torpedo bay, did we fire those torpedoes?

    Captain Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: Negative, Captain. According to inventory, we're still fully loaded.

  • General Chang: Have you not a shred of decency in you, Kirk? We come in peace, and you blatantly defile that peace. For that, I shall blow you out of the stars.

    Captain James T. Kirk: We haven't fired.

    Captain Spock: Captain. According to our databanks, we have. Twice.