The ultimate explanation of all mysteries

Sharon 2021-12-20 08:01:04

The whole movie is based on the Italian poet Dante’s long poem "Hell". Dante’s hell has nine rings: First Prison: Border Limbo Second Prison: Lust Lust Third Prison: Gluttony Gluttony Fourth Prison: Greed Greed Fifth Prison : Anger Anger Sixth Hell: Heresy Seventh Hell: Rape Violence Eighth Hell: Fraud Fraud Ninth Hell: Betrayal Treachery ——————————————————————— ——————— What caused them to go to hell: Why was it that the tunnel where Pap used to walk through the bones didn’t happen, but this time it collapsed, and it took a bend back to the original place, forcing them to walk only What about the passage with horrible legends? Thinking foreign netizens believe that it is because of the heroine Scarlet's pursuit of the golden stone (from another perspective, it is greed) that triggered the entire hell incident. Otherwise, she would not have seen the picture of her father hanging himself immediately before the explosion in Iran looking for clues. This picture has actually hinted that she is about to go to hell. Therefore, even the people who followed her started a journey to hell, and all the normal paths in the past were invalidated. —————————————————————————————— What is the sin (sin) of each character: The sin of the heroine Scarlet: the father of the heroine He committed suicide that year. Before he committed suicide, his father called the hostess (maybe he wanted to complain or something), but the hostess did not answer, which directly caused the father to be unable to commit suicide. So after the hostess went to hell, her father called her: "Why won' t you talk to me (why don't you answer my call)? "This is the sin of the heroine. The sin of the black Benji: The sin of the black has always been unclear. He saw women in white again and again. The first time was at the door of a nightclub, the second time was outside the nightclub window, and the third time was at the door of the nightclub. The choir of hell (lead singer), for the fourth time, a woman in white holding a "dead baby" scared the black man into the well. Careful foreign netizens discovered that when he and the hostess went to church to find a translator for George, the black man once said The lady’s legs are very beautiful. It is speculated that this black man may be prone to evil thoughts (that is, lust). He used to engender other people’s stomachs but forced abortions. So there is the insinuation of women and dead babies. Translation George's sin: George's The sin is obvious. The film has always emphasized that George's brother drowned in a cave when he was a child. George couldn't go back to save his brother in time because he was lost. The death of his brother became a knot of George's heart, so the piano he and his brother had played appeared in hell, and The phantom of the younger brother drowning under the bone. Guilt of the tour leader Papillon: Pap has more than one sin 1. When the hostess and George and Benji participated in the tour group, the boy who asked the hostess to find Papillon and disappeared instantly was in the car The one burned by the fire. Pap's graffiti in another aisle may be caused by the ghost. On the starting car, the scar on Pap's hand was close-up. It may be that Pap and his friends were on fire at the time, and Pap was watching Run away by himself and let his partner burn to death. In hell, Pap yelled “It wasn't my fault” when he saw his companion being burned. Those who did not admit their sins had to die. 2. When the hostess went to the nightclub to find Pap, she explained that she broke into the tomb not for money, and Pap said she wanted to share the treasure, and tried to break into the treasure room where she found the golden stone. This is the Simonist in the eighth prison.职者). The punishment for buying and selling priests is: So how are the Simonists punished? In the rocky ground, they are buried upside-down in holes the size of baptism basins and their feet protrude, only to be burnt by flames. Eternal suffocation and immolation. (How to punish the priests? They were buried upside down in the ground, with only their feet exposed for burning and suffocation for burial). So Pap died by being dragged into the fire by his companions, and he was punished in the eighth prison. English excerpt from: The crime of the girl guide Souxie: it was that La taupe did not find La taupe when she disappeared. Although the whole team did not find it, the punishment fell on this woman, because other people had other crimes. Among them, La taupe represents the ghost of Limbo wandering on the edge of hell. The sin of the male guide Zed: Finally, he confessed his sin when he jumped into the well: he did not admit his own child, so he also saw the phantom of a child. —————————————————————————————— Mirrored Hell: Above in the movie title As Above, So Below does not refer to the ground, but It refers to the upper layer of hell, below refers to the lower layer of hell, which means that a mirror image of hell up and down is formed under the ground. In the upper level of hell, having a golden stone can save the dead; in the lower level of hell, the physical alittle stone does not work. The hostess must realize that the golden stone is actually a change in her heart. The faith of "OK." When the heroine put the golden stone back and saw a mirror, she suddenly understood the principle of mirroring: What is within me is outside me-in the upper hell, what you believe is outside; in the lower hell, what you believe Inwardly. So she ran back without taking anything, covered George's wound with her hand, and healed his injury. This idea exists in alchemy and Hinduism. Personally, the upper hell is not the real hell, the lower hell is the real hell. But the two form a mirror image. The demarcation point of the mirrored hell is that after the treasure room collapsed, they went down an underground passage and reached the gate of hell. That passage is the demarcation point. The inscription of the gate of hell is Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. I vaguely feel that the inscription of Hell’s Gate and the hostess called the camera close-up inscription at the entrance (Stop, this is the empire of the dead stop! This is the death empire) echoes, maybe there is the entrance to the upper hell. Starting from the gates of hell, everything is the opposite of the upper hell, so the passageway that was originally the entrance was also sealed, the painting was upside down, the corpse was rotten, the alchemy stone was also invalid, and people one after another Retribution, this is the reason why Souxie and Souxie couldn't be saved by a little stone after being killed by La taupe. ———————————————————————————— The immortal corpse I saw on the way was Nicolas Flamel, the French midworld alchemist Nicolas Flamel , It is said that he can use the Philosopher’s Stone to live forever with his wife. This is also mentioned in the "Harry Potter" series of novels. Regarding the reason why the dead corpse on the other side grows old, since the real enlightenment stone lies in the human heart, in the lower hell, the enlightenment stone is simply invalid. The corpse rots not because the heroine takes away the enlightenment stone, but because hell is a mirror image. Yes, the upper part is immortal, and the lower part is decayed. —————————————————————————————— In hell, the only way to leave is to redeem and repent, and be brave enough to face what you least want Things to face. The well they last jumped is equal to the "pure world" in religion. They are washed away by confessing their sins, and if they skip them, they will be innocent. Most people, like me, think that the world they came out of is the original world, and the sceneries on the street are normal. But from the perspective of a horror movie, if the ending is to go to another mirrored world after they come out, it is really the icing on the cake, and it raises the weirdness of the whole movie to another level. It's a pity that the director didn't do this. Maybe he thought it was a bit cruel. Flamel Nico Lemay, it is said that he can use the Philosopher's Stone to live forever with his wife. This is also mentioned in the "Harry Potter" series of novels. Regarding the reason why the dead corpse on the other side grows old, since the real enlightenment stone lies in the human heart, in the lower hell, the enlightenment stone is simply invalid. The corpse rots not because the heroine takes away the enlightenment stone, but because hell is a mirror image. Yes, the upper part is immortal, and the lower part is decayed. —————————————————————————————— In hell, the only way to leave is to redeem and repent, and be brave enough to face what you least want Things to face. The well they last jumped is equal to the "pure world" in religion. They are washed away by confessing their sins, and if they skip them, they will be innocent. Most people, like me, think that the world they came out of is the original world, and the sceneries on the street are normal. But from the perspective of a horror movie, if the ending is to go to another mirrored world after they come out, it is really the icing on the cake, and it raises the weirdness of the whole movie to another level. It's a pity that the director didn't do this. Maybe he thought it was a bit cruel. Flamel Nico Lemay, it is said that he can use the Philosopher's Stone to live forever with his wife. This is also mentioned in the "Harry Potter" series of novels. Regarding the reason why the dead corpse on the other side grows old, since the real enlightenment stone lies in the human heart, in the lower hell, the enlightenment stone is simply invalid. The corpse rots not because the heroine takes away the enlightenment stone, but because hell is a mirror image. Yes, the upper part is immortal, and the lower part is decayed. —————————————————————————————— In hell, the only way to leave is to redeem and repent, and be brave enough to face what you least want Things to face. The well they last jumped is equal to the "pure world" in religion. They are washed away by confessing their sins, and if they skip them, they will be innocent. Most people, like me, think that the world they came out of is the original world, and the sceneries on the street are normal. But from the perspective of a horror movie, if the ending is to go to another mirrored world after they come out, it is really the icing on the cake, and it raises the weirdness of the whole movie to another level. It's a pity that the director didn't do this. Maybe he thought it was a bit cruel.

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As Above, So Below quotes

  • La Taupe: The only way out is down.

  • Scarlett: If we find the chamber, then that's the way out. We'll find a way out.

    Souxie: Are you sure?

    Scarlett: I think I'm sure.