Jackie Chan

Viviane 2022-04-21 09:02:21

After brushing the second time, the film was slightly improved, but it was still 7 points, and the original judgment was maintained. I took back the comment that I said too many lines and too messy when I watched the first time. I have a clearer understanding of many details and the logic of the whole story when I watched it the second time. It’s just that this kind of political conspiracy film is not good for me. Really indifferent. On the whole, it is very similar to Hurricane Rescue and Killing the Wolf and Greed the Wolf, but due to the political nature of the film, it is not as good as these two films in terms of viewing and portrayal of human nature. Jackie Chan has contributed very good acting skills, and this film can reach me. The main reason for the 7 points in the standard, Jackie Chan's best film in the past ten years is hard to say, but the best acting film should not be controversial. BTW, both times I watched it at Wanda, but it seems that there is not much difference between the Wanda general hall and the imax hall? The experience is almost the same, very good.

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The Foreigner quotes

  • Quan Ngoc Minh: [after Hennessy declines to discuss the bombers' identities with him] You will change your mind.

  • Liam Hennessy: [answers phone] You come to my office and plant a fucking bomb?

    Quan Ngoc Minh: Have you changed your mind?

    Liam Hennessy: Changed my mind? Are you out of your fuckin' tree? You have no idea who you're dealin' with. But you'll soon find out.

    Quan Ngoc Minh: Give me the names.

    Liam Hennessy: I'll tell you what. Let's meet face-to-face. We'll settle...

    Quan Ngoc Minh: [hangs up]

    Liam Hennessy: ...the fuckin' wanker threatened me and hung up!