England Showdown

Jalyn 2022-04-21 09:02:21


Non-movie review for personal use

Jackie Chan girl attends the prom Jackie Chan accompanies her to buy a dress Jackie Chan's car collided with another car next to a motorcycle explosion A mistress, London asked him to find out the murderer. He was in charge of the amnesty order for a few people in London. Jackie Chan planted a bomb in the bathroom of Brosnan's office. Jackie Chan's family was killed by pirates in Vietnam. Jackie Chan had received special training from the US military. Jackie Chan ran away, Brosnan hid in the farm, Jackie Chan still went to put dynamite twice, Brosnan asked his nephew to come to catch Jackie Chan Threats him Jackie Chan is over 60 years old, Brosnan sent his nephew to London to finish his business, the nephew had an affair with Brosnan's wife, and also eavesdropped on the conversation between the nephew and Brosnan, and told Brosnan's plan to one person in Ireland, who told him to The terrorists caused Brosnan's plan to fail. Brosnan's plan was to launch a small terrorist attack to get an amnesty in London to release a few people. The terrorist attack needs a password. If the second password is wrong, Brosnan will know who the terrorist is. But the second terror The terrorist detonated the bomb on the bus and the secret code was leaked by Brosnan's wife. The London police found out who the terrorist was Brosnan. Brosnan killed him and told his nephew and nephew the name of the terrorist to catch Jackie Chan. Defeat told Jackie Chan the terrorist's name Brosnan confronted his nephew and told him he knew about him and his wife Let the nephew kill his wife and then went to New York Finally, the nephew killed Brosnan's wife The police locked the temporary residence of the four men and one woman Before the female terror The terrorists seduced reporters at the bar and went to bed with the reporters. They exchanged the notebooks with bombs for the reporters. On the plane, Jackie Chan, a high-ranking London official, came to the terrorist-sponsored place alone and killed four men and women. The police came to Jackie Chan and ran away. The police found the notebooks. The computer asked the woman to tell where the bomb was. The girl didn't tell the police what to do with her blouse. South Expressway, he, his plan, London knows all about his plans. If he wants to jump, he will have to jump to Jackie Chan and find Brosnan and send out pictures of him and the female terrorist. The police want Jackie Chan. Jackie Chan returned to his own restaurant. Liu Tao is his confidante. When the police were about to snipe Jackie Chan, a senior official said he was a man with a head and tail, and the police were put on standby.

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Extended Reading

The Foreigner quotes

  • Quan Ngoc Minh: [after Hennessy declines to discuss the bombers' identities with him] You will change your mind.

  • Liam Hennessy: [answers phone] You come to my office and plant a fucking bomb?

    Quan Ngoc Minh: Have you changed your mind?

    Liam Hennessy: Changed my mind? Are you out of your fuckin' tree? You have no idea who you're dealin' with. But you'll soon find out.

    Quan Ngoc Minh: Give me the names.

    Liam Hennessy: I'll tell you what. Let's meet face-to-face. We'll settle...

    Quan Ngoc Minh: [hangs up]

    Liam Hennessy: ...the fuckin' wanker threatened me and hung up!