An angry and depressed news industry

Samson 2022-10-18 17:37:50

It's good-looking, but as a half-hearted news person, I can't agree. This world can't tolerate any news that has no position, and I can't do anything without money.

The world we live in is far more filthy than the screen. This kind of drama makes one's blood boil, but after watching it, my heart is full of indignation. This is true for ordinary people, and even more so for journalists.

The feeling this show gives me is a sense of powerlessness that penetrates my spinal cord, at least when I was editing news, I would never have made up my mind to do it in the first place, to be an honest and unbiased newsman, Or do something "meaningful".

More than once I've complained to people around me why this news is used, it doesn't make sense, people don't care who is the richest man in the world, but people care what it means to them. In this fast-paced era, people's thinking often stays at the level of news, which is why today's headlines are hot, and the public needs less and less information. They don't need thought-provoking reviews or comparative studies. They don't need what Will said. "Human" news, cold numbers and facts.

Cruel but realistic, a newsroom show pointed this out to me more clearly, when I was sitting in my office editing those boring articles, when I heard the editor-in-chief pick a pointless topic every morning, Such sadness welled up in my heart.

I think the reason I'm giving 4 stars now is that I'm only half the news guy, and I'm afraid I'll only be able to give 1 star in 10 years. The news industry can't bear the expectations Sorkin gave. People like Charlie in this industry have all quit, and we can't make real news.

I hope my prediction becomes a flag, then this is the luck of the news in contemporary misfortune.

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