Newsman's Feelings

Jennie 2022-09-27 17:34:13

The amount of information is overloaded, and every sentence has countless technical terms. The screenwriter team is really fighting! However, for ordinary viewers, those terms will not be pursued, and more of it will be to feel the feelings of journalists.
Later, when I read Chai Jing's "Seeing", I felt that I had many similar feelings. For example, whether news should be value-neutral or guide society, which is the real responsibility of journalists? The problems faced by every social elite and intellectual under the separation of social morality and legal system. The so-called "value neutrality" sung by liberals actually means abandoning the standard of value judgment, and multiple values ​​will flow to relativism and nihilism if they are not careful. But the value of one dollar is also facing the danger of one family dominance. How to coordinate the two is an important issue in modern society.

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