To be honest, this show is actually quite promiscuous and pretentious...

Alana 2022-12-16 21:57:23

Needless to say, the first episode of this film was really good! If you expand it, you can make a movie, but the quality of the next few episodes begins to decline. Except for a few episodes, which are also outstanding, the quality of the rest can only be regarded as mid-level. On the other hand, the character descriptions of several characters in the play are relatively fragmented , it always gives people an illusion that everyone's personalities have been fissioned after the first episode. Among them, the feeling for the blonde girl has plummeted. What is even more unacceptable is the confession of sloan to dan in the last episode. There is no description, it is too abrupt, screenwriter, please don't put more effort into laying out clues for the next season, the traces of this cramming are too obvious... This

film can be said to be a love film in the cloak of news. I still write about all kinds of emotional entanglements, interspersed with news, but even the interspersed can make people's eyes shine. I am really tired of the genre dramas that are always full of crime, medical, and legal themes. For the audience who usually pay attention to TV news reports, this drama comes at a very good time...

The film mainly describes the news in the United States, and all kinds of democracy | democracy | voting | voting, all kinds of elections will of course play the leading role. It is a bit out of touch for the audience of the Celestial Dynasty, so if you can understand the US administrative system, political party competition, and election culture before watching it, it will be more helpful to watch this film...

A few days ago, Aoguanhai and Mi Rongni TV The debate just ended, and when I was watching the live broadcast, I thought, when will I have the opportunity to watch the Celestial Dynasty and show off like this, where is my sacred vote...

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