[Original] Revisiting "The Newsroom"

Deontae 2022-09-14 20:58:04

Revisiting "The Newsroom"
"There is nothing more important in a democracy than giving all voters the right to know. If information is blocked or worse, fake news can lead to catastrophic decisions and eliminate the possibility of a hundred schools of thought contending." Sex"..."Say something brave and truthful", "If you honestly tell the truth to the audience, then the audience will want to watch the news, not everyone, at most 5%, but this 5% of people will change this country".
public needs "truthful, comprehensive and intelligent reporting on the events of the day in the context that gives them meaning", "the truth about the facts must be reported now", respect the facts, seek the truth, and do true reporting.
The public has the right to know the truth, and the intelligent public is more willing to seek the truth. Now there is a wider way of dissemination of information, and you can get news reports anytime you want, if all these reports are just a little bit about what happened here, what happened there, but don’t further distinguish the truth And false pictures, do not let you know the real cause, actual process and consequences of the incident, without the complete situation, root and essence of the incident..., and even fabricate news to attract attention. Being buried in such true and false reports, people will end up brain-damaged or mad....
Phenomenon is not necessarily the truth! For social problems and phenomena, it is necessary to get to the bottom of it, clarify the ins and outs of the incident, remove the false and preserve the truth, reveal the truth, remove the rough and extract the essence, and make a true report that conforms to the truth, so as to dispel the smog and give the public a clear sky. Responsible News.
On April 20, 2010, "Oil Well Explosion in the Gulf of Mexico", this explosive breaking news, the "Newsroom" made the most authentic report after investigation, and took the lead in exposing the major evil caused by the accident - the oil spill: "The most serious environmental disaster in American history"; and continue to do so, leading the public's attention and attention to the cause and responsibility of the accident, although they face powerful interest groups and relevant government departments , but the live broadcast host McEvoy's sharp questioning of the responsible party's professionalism reflects his attitude of pursuing the truth and being responsible to the public.
Even a virtual report can't contain the excitement: The Newsroom provides us with a template for real news! (In reality, such reports will not be achieved overnight, but "realize real reports in the process, gradually presenting the true face of the facts")
While the public welcomes real reports, they should also clearly know that this does not only rely on a sense of responsibility, principles and The support of courage, and the protection of the right to "freedom of expression"!
Why are we so excited about this Newsroom story? Because in reality, we may see the following news for similar incidents:
reporting on the casualties caused by the accident, how the family members are mourning, and emotionally telling the audience how the relevant departments can rescue quickly, effectively, and quite humanely---these reports are just facts Part of it is not the most important and most important, only focusing on this kind of reports that go to the bottom of the story, diverting the public's attention is not conducive to revealing the truth of the incident;
or invite one or two "bricks" at the scene, change the topic, and avoid the "brick throwing". "To confuse the public, and at the same time "induce jade" for the interest groups and responsible parties they maintain to mitigate or shirk responsibility---this is distorting the facts, trying to cover up the truth, and outright fooling and deceiving.
Coverage of an oil well explosion in the Gulf of Mexico marks the debut of the new "Newsroom" producer's return to a "news show that is both real and popular," a warm-up to the first season of "The Newsroom," which hosts After the man made a sincere apology for his former Mr. Haohao program, "Newsroom" determined his mission: to watch the society, open up people's wisdom, and educate the public.
The subsequent series of reports revolved around this mission from different angles, climaxing and exciting:
Is the Tea Party a grassroots movement, and where is the source of funding?
The shooting of a member of parliament, "doctors have the right to declare a patient dead, not the news!"
"Abolishing the minimum wage guarantee does increase employment, but it can also do anything: slavery";
Egypt's 1.25 revolution, Japan's nuclear accident, The bin Laden hunt, the debt ceiling, etc….
the relationship between the Gun Control Association and gun sales, “Global Clarity,” Casey Anthony’s murder of a woman, etc….
The Newsroom doesn't just debunk lies and pretense, rejects mediocrity and cliché, and targets: "The commodification of journalism has created an environment in which it is important for journalists to tell us certain things, but The above are all trivial matters."; "Smearing and breaking the news will confuse public opinion, endanger civilization, and private affairs should not be used to entertain the public"; "Insinuation, speculation, exaggeration and nonsense news style" and other current media ills are vigorously carried out attack.
In addition, from the perspective of a media person, the "Newsroom" is right: the news person's thoughts on facts cannot replace the facts themselves (Sloan's report on the Japanese nuclear accident), and the basis for authenticity is based on investigation and reasoning. The truth is not the investigation and reasoning (but the truth obtained after the verification can prove the correctness of the investigation and reasoning); journalists should reveal the truth objectively, and should not let their subjective likes and dislikes affect objective judgments, even subconscious likes and dislikes , but it’s actually hard (McEvoy’s discussion with Suttonwall doesn’t stop where it should); mastering the tipping point of debunking lies and personal attacks (“I’m not up to you to define me”); journalists Fulfill the promise of non-publishing; discuss news professional knowledge and issues such as press freedom and commercial interests.
This knowledge deepens the public's understanding of journalism from a professional perspective, making it possible for the public to view and evaluate the news reports they receive from a journalism professional perspective. The improvement of the quality of news recipients will further prompt news producers to improve their professional quality, thereby improving the quality of news reports. Finally, high-quality news reports will further improve the quality of the public, achieve the purpose of opening people's intelligence, and improving the cognitive ability of the entire society.
The Newsroom believes that "journalism is only meaningful when there is a human involvement" and he not only expresses his own opinions but also "does his best to present to the public a sensible view that differs from his own," establishing "an exchange of commentary and criticism". It is this open attitude and firm stance that opens up people's wisdom to provide a platform for the public's "freedom of expression".
Here, "Newsroom" puts forward such topics as: freedom of speech and responsibility for one's own speech, discussions on whether public speech is standardized; discussions on people's understanding of religion and human rights reflected from whether or not to build mosques near the 9.11 site; abortion rights , homosexuality...etc. to discuss. People hold their own opinions and views from different angles and positions on many things, but under what circumstances and conditions, which views are most beneficial to the development of society, especially the development of social civilization? "The light is not turned on, the reason is not clear", and "freedom of expression" is needed. However, after you say what you say, you must not disagree. No matter how good theories and concepts are, you still need to put them into social practice to see the real results. .
As a result, the true, comprehensive and intelligent reports in "Newsroom" form "projections of typical images of social groups"; the debates, discussions and discussions on issues in "Newsroom" After thinking deeply, it has become "a tool for social groups to communicate opinions and attitudes to each other" with the help of modern means of communication.
The news program that "Newsroom" strives to do well: "Provide advice and suggestions for national construction, return to important news, no longer have rumors, no longer snoop on privacy, preach the truth to ignorant people, and no longer make news for the sake of news. news". To achieve this goal requires great efforts and hardships, as well as a battle of wits and courage with the power groups, and more importantly, "freedom of expression" and the support of the public.
"If a country is a ship sailing on the sea, the journalist is the watcher on the bow. He must observe everything on the endless sea, examine the unexpected situation on the sea and the shoals and reefs, and issue warnings in time." "Against all deceptions. , no matter where it happens, no matter what kind of nature it is; promote principles and ideas, not prejudice and factionalism.”
It is Newsroom that vividly reproduces this famous quote by Joseph Pulitzer for us! Ideals are beautiful, but the road to pursue them is difficult and tortuous. "Iron shoulders shoulder morality and work with fine hands" not only requires a sense of responsibility and professional quality, but also requires great courage and perseverance. We should sincerely thank the media people who are actually walking on this path.

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