There are journalists. (watch the play notes)

Joaquin 2022-09-02 22:22:51

(The subtitles quoted are all from the Renren subtitle group)

S1E4 Fix you

Don finally said a sentence.
He said:"It's a person. A doctor pronounces her dead, not the news."

Someone will try to fix you.

S1E5 Amen

Hey,Will... we're journalists.Will
...we are all journalists .

Now I wish you hadn't said that


would have been cool if you hadn't said that

You just talk too much

You have a problem with me calling myself a journalist?
Can't you see me calling myself a journalist?
Only the elite few who cover stories nobody cares about get to call themselves...Only the elite few who cover stories can call themselves

I've got a guy on my staff who got hit in the head with a glass door Thursday.
I have a colleague who got hit in the head with a door.
His forehead wouldn't stop bleeding, but he wouldn't go to a doctor
'cause I got another guy who got beat up covering Cairo.
Because another colleague was reporting in Cairo and got beat up.
And the first guy wouldn't see a doctor until the second guy saw a doctor

I've got a producer who ran into a locked door
'cause he felt responsible for the second guy.
Because he felt it was his fault his coworker got hit.

I've got an 18-year-old kid risking his life, halfway around the world, an 18-year-old kid risking his life
to help us make news on the other side of the world
and the AP who sent him there hasn't slept in three days.
The associate producer who sent him, didn't sleep for three days.

I've got 20-somethings who care about teachers in Wisconsin.

've got a grown woman who has to subtract with her fingers
and one who needs to subtract with her fingers An adult woman
staying up all night trying to learn economics
she stayed up all night, studying economics
from a PhD who could be making 20 times the money three miles downtown.
And the PhD who taught her economics gave up 20 times the high paying job in town to do news.

There are journalists.
They are the journalists.

Come after me all you want, Nina. Come after me
, Nina.

Come after me every day. Look through my garbage.
The media are staring at me and digging through my trash.

Invent things out of thin air. That's what you're paid for.
Make up stories out of thin air, it's your eating guy.

But you touch my staff and you are walking into a world of hurt

I have an hour of prime time every night and I will rededicate my life to ruining yours

I also want you to send a message up the chain
and a letter to the boss above:
of whatever backroom machinery is driving this that if I so much as smell leonal Lansing's perfume on any of this,
no matter where the divine is behind the scenes Manipulation, whenever I smell Lianna Lansing, I
'm going to make a meal out of both of you and I won't stop until I'm done.
Never give up!

Look at me
and see that I'm dead serious

Tough-ass speech...but you're not gonna win

I don't care. I don't care

I'm just a middle-aged man who never lived up to his potential.
I'm just a middle-aged man with no fighting spirit.
You don't want to be on the wrong end of me if I ever do.
You'll regret being on the wrong side once I get up!
I got the drinks. The
drinks are mine.

While I don't think all journalists have to be like Will's colleagues, as a person, as a journalist, you have to have your own moral bottom line.

PS: Don always makes me feel that the subtitles of

S1E6 Bullies

are for the bullies,

but after watching the whole episode, I feel that it is more appropriate to call it Lose Control.
In this episode, the protagonist seems to be crazy...

Regarding the incident of the real-name comment, I think it should remain anonymous. Although the real name can ensure that netizens are responsible for their own words to a certain extent, it may only selectively block some words that those in power do not want to hear.
Good medicine is bitter, loyal words are hard to listen to, and comments are anonymous!

The last thing about lie is theoretically disagreeable. But when it happens, you can't tell if you'll apologize and make up a lie to make yourself look like a stupid but keep your job...

Will is right,
We're the news and we're all gonna know we lied for the rest of our lives.

But not necessarily he and we can do it.
So speaking is one thing, doing is another.

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