Hearty, unfinished, chatting for comfort

Pearl 2022-09-03 12:53:01

The three words in the title roughly sum up how I felt when I watched the show.
As a non-pure American drama fanatic, I really haven't watched many American dramas completely (so it seems that I haven't watched many TV dramas except when I was a child... off topic), but first of all, due to the psychological proximity, Newsroom brought me Great impression.
The insistence on editorial independence, the pursuit of the authenticity of news, and the high-level stand alone when faced with internal and external pressures so that the team can continue to let go of professional news programs... All of the above, I can see that I am in a news system with Chinese characteristics. The atypical journalists in China are both addicted and envious.
Luqiu Luwei once commented that this film is too idealistic, yes, capital's interference in news is often not as perfect as the ending in the play in the United States. However, we say that art often needs to be processed. Relatively speaking, it is really much better than domestic. Perhaps that's why this drama, which is said to have a "general reputation in the United States", has been hotly debated in China, specifically among journalists.
After watching all 10 episodes of the first season, I gradually became depressed: because they talked about the news every day, it seemed that most of them were the XX Party, the XX decree, and even the name Barack Obama. Not a good word. Yes, such a description is too idealistic, but in retrospect, how much can we achieve, and what proportion?
Do you want to? miss! Can you? Um...
Why America is the greatest country of the world? This question from female college students turned Will's work and life upside down like a butterfly effect. And at the end of episode 10, his second answer touched me instantly: You did.
Can we replace America with China? I hope, it is very much.

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