who can find a truly just liberal

Marlen 2022-09-11 07:53:39

Liberals often think they stand for justice and justice, but they never do the justice and justice they demand of others.

If raising the debt ceiling is not about borrowing new debt, why should it be raised?

It's not that conservatives don't want to raise taxes, liberals don't want to reduce benefits, aren't they all political plans? Who is more noble than the other, at least those who support the pensions of the Tea Party, vote for policies that harm their interests, then is noble.

This concept is a huge mistake.
What is the first element of news
? Is it accurate? Do you think you are God? As soon as news comes out, you know what is accurate or not.
Is it fair? Do you think you are a judge, not even the best judge? Dare to say that you are completely impartial, especially when there is no more information.

The first element of news is timeliness, and it will be accurate and fair later. This ranking does not mean that accuracy and fairness can be completely ignored for the sake of being timely, nor does it mean that it can be untimely for the sake of accuracy and fairness.

The congressman was shot, and there is news that he has died. If it cannot be verified, it can be completely vaguely reported. He emphasized that during the verification, it does not mean that we have to wait for the official announcement. If the official announcement is not made, then you will not report it. This kind of concept is very suitable for coming to the Celestial Dynasty.

Don't talk about justice, the old man who pursues justice, but directly intervenes in reporting the negative news of Will and others, his justice, can't he balance the coverage?

The screenwriter Sorkin, a typical liberal, the "The White House" was a propaganda film of the Democratic Party, and it is still the same now. He always thinks that he is standing on the commanding heights of ideology and morality, but he can't prove it. Instead, he repeatedly shows confusion and logic. Clear up bugs.

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